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Fine hair:I want XXL volume

First phase:the appropriate shampoo

No, fine hair is not inevitable! Many of you think there is nothing you can do about that flat, dull, limp hair. However, there are dozens of solutions, each more ingenious than the next, from the simplest to the most complex. It all starts with your shampoo:beforehand, you can bathe in oil (castor, olive or avocado) to deeply nourish your hair. Then use a shampoo suitable for fine hair that you can alternate every other time with another more neutral, so as not to accustom your hair to the same treatment. It would become less effective over time. Rinse well (if possible in cold water) until you feel the hair crunch under your fingers. Apply a volumizing conditioner while your hair is still damp, remembering to apply it all over, especially at the roots. You are now ready to move on to the second phase. To be avoided:straightening shampoos that prevent your hair from gaining volume and weigh it down.

Second phase:drying and styling

Despite popular belief, it is best to let your hair air dry. If you don't have time, dry them upside down, this will lift your roots as much as possible to optimize the volume. Using a diffuser on your hair dryer is even more effective. Finally comes the moment of styling which will make all the difference if you do things right!
If you have long hair, lift part of your hair on top of the head, and comb those below. You can emboss them with a suitable iron, or lift them with a comb to give some fluff. Release the attached hair, and admire the result. Bluffing, right?

For those who want to adopt a shorter cut or tie them up, there are a host of tips:the chignon bun, the clever sweep that will give volume by optical effect, a quick brushing with ingenious wick placement for the bravest , or quite simply the small clip that holds the front hair that we will swell for a spectacular voluminous look (thanks BB).
Other possibilities are available to you for a larger budget:natural extensions, skincare adapted in lotion or in capsules… So get to your combs, and long live the volume! Want to see the result on your hair before trying our advice? Try our makeover tool!