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Cleanse your skin thoroughly in the spring

For spring, we're getting a makeover! And to achieve this, full fire on detox. How to properly cleanse your skin to approach the beautiful days with an immaculate complexion? What are the right gestures to deeply cleanse your skin? Let Veld’s guide you in your spring makeover…

Why cleanse your skin thoroughly when the good weather arrives?

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are opening:everything seems idyllic... except that your complexion looks gray! It must be said that your skin has been confronted with many excesses and hard knocks during the cold season :between the residues of rich creams which asphyxiate it, the lack of sleep (thanks to the switch to summer time), the icy wind, the overheated atmospheres and the abuse of fatty or sugary foods, nothing amazing how she ended up screaming for help!

Spring is the ideal season to start a major skin cleansing:the biological mechanisms of the skin gradually wake up and make it prone to a number of skin discomforts:lack of radiance, pimples, reactivity, etc. This is the lot of the so-called "intermediate" seasons (spring and autumn), which put the skin to the test.

Deeply clean your skin is a way to reset his counters to help him adapt to this trying change of season.

Start on a healthy footing with an internal detox cure

Before thinking about detoxifying your skin, you must first think about detoxifying your body! Your cosmetic efforts to purify your skin will only be more effective. And to do this, it is your liver that will have to be stimulated. It is indeed he who is responsible for filtering and banishing toxins from your body.

At the end of the cold season, it is common for it to find itself clogged by dietary imbalances. So, to properly cleanse your skin, pamper your liver with a depurative treatment !

Any detox begins with an increased consumption of mineral water:at least 1.5 L per day, or even 2 if you feel the courage. Do you like simple rituals? Add the juice of half a lemon a glass of hot water:drink this drink every morning on an empty stomach.

The birch juice is also an ally of choice to accompany you in your detoxification – and to top it off, its little lemony taste is to die for! Finally, it is easy to find draining food supplements ready to use or in the form of capsules in shops.

Eliminate dead cells with a scrub

Whether you wear makeup or not, cleansing your skin in the morning and evening is simply essential to maintain healthy skin. But this is not always enough, especially at the end of winter! To deeply cleanse your skin, the ideal is to treat yourself to a facial scrub once a week .

If you have a little time on your hands, precede your exfoliation with a facial sauna. The steam will dilate your pilosebaceous orifices and allow you to extract your blackheads to clear the way. However, beware of overzealousness! We recommend that you perform this little bonus only if you know the right gesture:an incorrectly dosed extraction could leave nasty traces on your face and, in short, do more harm to your skin than good.

Unclog pores and follicular ostia with an absorbent mask

To cleanse your skin and help it regenerate, focus on cleansing masks! The clay (especially green) is one of the most effective active ingredients in this area:by drying on the skin, it literally sucks up impurities. Another essential ingredient to purify the epidermis:vegetable charcoal . It is adopted for its ability to dislodge excess sebum, toxins, cellular debris and pollution particles, while exerting an anti-aging action.

Boost the evacuation of toxins with a draining massage

The accumulation of toxins blurs your complexion and tires your skin. Cosmetics are a great help in overcoming these little worries, but don't neglect the power of your ten fingers! You can soothe your skin and help it regain all its beauty by practicing lymphatic drainage . It's a matter of 5 minutes, and the movements are so relaxing that you don't hesitate to indulge in them on a daily basis...

The objective of the massage:fluidify the circulation of the lymph , which carries most of the body's cellular waste. Massage your whole face, starting from the center outwards. You must reproduce the movement of a push-up, pressing your skin with your fingertips. No need to press too hard, stay soft. Finish by targeting the lymph nodes, located behind the earlobes and on the back of the neck.

Focus on hydration in your spring routine

The beautiful days are coming back, so we leave our skin RES-PI-RER! Concretely, put away all the rich and insulating creams:they may have saved your face this winter, but in spring and summer, the skin calls for more lightness. Attention:we continue despite everything to cream each other morning and evening! It is simply a question of providing your skin with less fat, but more water . It would be a shame to thoroughly cleanse your skin and then clog it with too heavy creams...

To maintain an optimal level of hydration while fighting against skin aging, we recommend the deep hydration anti-aging cream Age2O . If you have particularly dehydrated skin, combine it with the serum from the same range for even more benefits. And from time to time, reboost your reserves with a good mask with hyaluronic acid.