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Video:the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin

In this film directed by Thomas Leveritt for Nivea Sun, we discover a vision of the skin via an ultra violet camera. Its specificity? Unlike a conventional camera which films in color, this one films in black and white and brings out stains and burns (even superficial) due to the sun. Thus, we discover that most of the harmful effects of the sun are invisible to the naked eye but appear clearly on the ultra violet camera. And obviously, the interest of sun protection is highlighted because we can clearly see that the cream creates a physical barrier to UV:the protected epidermis appears dark (it also allows you to see that the application requires a little concentration to be uniform…).

I especially want to address children and adolescents. When I was a kid in the Texas sun, we didn't protect ourselves because we didn't know the impact the sun had on our skin. Today, brands like NIVEA Sun allow us to protect ourselves said Thomas Leveritt.