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Protect yourself from the sun in 4 simple steps

We don't know about you, but we love to open our shutters on a beautiful blue sky and a radiant sun. What we like less are UV rays, which have this annoying habit of damaging our skin, and in some cases, deteriorating our health. So, to enjoy summer while keeping beautiful, fresh, plump and beautifully tanned skin, follow our 5 tips to protect yourself from the sun.

Why and how to protect your skin from the sun?

If it warms our hearts, offering us delicious moments on the terrace or by the pool, the sun is not always an ally. We've probably already told you, but the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun can cause a lot of damage, which is too often minimized. First of all, the sun's rays impact the appearance of the skin. On the one hand, it gives a nice tanned complexion, on the other, it promotes premature skin aging . Yes, UVA rays are the primary cause of wrinkles, loss of firmness, lack of suppleness. Immediately, it makes you dream less…

Above all, the sun can be dangerous for your health. In case of sunburn, you can end up with severe burns. Also, if UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, they can promote the appearance of skin cancer .

So obviously, said like that, we would almost want to lock ourselves behind our shutters and never leave our homes again. But rest assured, the sun is like all good things in life:in a reasonable amount, it is not dangerous. To enjoy the delights of summer, while preservingthe youthfulness of your skin and your health, protect yourself from the sun with our 5 tips.

Protect yourself from the sun with hydration

As you certainly know, our body, and our skin, are mostly made up of water. It is an essential element for our health. However, the heat of the sun tends to make us sweat and therefore, to dehydrate us. Dehydration is a dangerous phenomenon, so it must be prevented by drinking an average of 1.5 liters of water per day . This dehydration also affects the skin:between the heat and ultraviolet rays, the water contained in the skin tissue evaporates faster than usual. This is why, in summer, we often have skin that feels tight, that tingles, and for those with lucky skin, we can even have skin that peels!

So to protect your skin from the sun, you fill up with internal hydration, but also external. Moisturize your face with a day cream every morning, after cleansing your skin. In the evening, moisturize face and body using a moisturizing and/or nourishing cream according to your needs. Bet on an after-sun cream, or on a moisturizer with a regenerating formula, like our Pure Pulp Neo .

Respect the rhythm of the skin… and the sun!

What if we told you that sunbathing without risk is above all a question of timing? As you know, it is recommended to not expose yourself to the hours when the sun is highest , that is, between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. It is during these hours that the rays are the most aggressive. Therefore, prefer exposures in the morning or late afternoon. If you go out at lunchtime, seek shade, and cover up.

Respecting the rhythm of the sun is a good reflex, but you still have to respect the rhythm of your skin. Listen and spot the signs of fatigue :redness, marked tightness, peeling areas... All these signs should alert you. They mean your skin needs a break! We therefore advise you to limit exposure:do small sessions of one to two hours of sunbathing, before recovering in the shade. If you spend a day at sea, take a day, or even two, to let your skin regenerate, replenish your water and energy.

This advice is all the more true if you are following medical treatment :you must make sure that your treatment is not photosensitizing. Even if it is not, some medications dry out the skin and make it less resistant to the sun. Vigilance is therefore required.

Sunscreen products to protect yourself from the sun

Impossible to write an article “Protect yourself from the sun” without mentioning sun protection . Because yes, you too have this friend who wants to tan at all costs, who exposes herself without sunscreen, and who comes back covered in sunburn? And yes, sunscreen is a powerful ally, not only to prevent burns, but also to preserve your skin from aging.

Although sunscreen is essential, you can adapt the protection factor to get a tan anyway. Choose a high index for the first 4 to 5 days of hydration, then opt for a lower protection, when the skin already has a tanned veil. Skin that has already tanned lightly, gently, will better withstand the effects of the sun.

Adapt the protection index to the needs of your skin. While some of us can get away with an index 20 to 30 without ever burning, others need full sunscreen for the first few days. Finally, don't forget to protect all fragile areas :we think in particular of the eye contour and the lips, which are particularly sensitive to the sun.

As a reminder:a sunscreen is only effective if applied in sufficiently thick layers, with a renewed application every two hours.

Protect yourself from the sun with food

It is not only by spreading cream, wearing a hat and glasses that you can protect yourself from the sun (even if these are prerequisites). You can also protect yourself with a suitable diet!

A diet that protects the skin is a diet that provides all the nutrients necessary for your good health. It must therefore be, above all, balanced. Ideally, party on water-rich foods , we think in particular of zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries. Also choose foods rich in antioxidants , which help the skin fight against premature aging:fatty fish, lean cocoa, Goji berries, artichokes, raspberries.

Finally, in summer, we also bet on beta-carotene :a protein that helps the skin to better resist UV rays, and to have an even and long-lasting tan. To fill up on beta-carotene, it's simple, put some color in your dishes! It is found in mangoes, apricots, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots. If you find it difficult to diversify your diet, or if you have sun-reactive skin , it may be interesting to take a course of natural food supplements rich in beta-carotene.