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How to know your skin type?

The skin is the body's first barrier. Thanks to it, we are protected from external aggressions such as microbes, bacteria, pollution, cold, etc. Thus, it is essential to take care of it by providing it with the elements it needs. For this reason, it is essential to identify its main characteristics. How to know your skin type  ? Dry skin, normal skin or combination skin, there are different profiles. Sensitive skin or mature skin, what is skin condition? To select suitable cosmetics and opt for the right gestures, the simplest thing is still to do a skin diagnosis !

How to know your skin type?

Why is it important to know your skin type?

Skin type:characteristics of the epidermis

Because each individual is unique, it is important to know your skin type . Whether innate or acquired, the epidermis has its own characteristics. Over time, it evolves according to our experience, our experiences or our lifestyle. Balanced diet, tobacco or alcohol consumption, sports practice, stress, environment, etc., many parameters can influence it. However, he has a very specific profile that is defined from birth. Thus, there are four skin types:normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and combination skin . White, tanned or black skin, skin type does not depend on skin color and applies to both men and women.

Identify your skin type for sublimated skin and quality care:take the test

Why is it important to know your skin type? In practice, the skin protects us from most external aggressions such as viruses, bacteria, pollution, etc. To preserve its potential and stay healthy, it is essential to take care of it. To best meet your needs, it is therefore essential to identify your skin type . Thus, understanding the structure of the epidermis allows you to select suitable beauty products , providing him with the necessary elements. Moisturizing creams, specific serums or vegetable oils, you will be sure to make the right choice!

Understanding the different skin types

Ideal skin type:normal skin

Few people can boast of having normal skin ! If you are one of them, you are very lucky. Indeed, this type of skin is characterized by a soft touch, a luminous complexion and pores of uniform size. The epidermis does not require any special care:pores are regular and hydration occurs naturally. Generally, the application of a moisturizer may suffice. At the same time, gentle cleansing eliminates impurities accumulated during the day and keeps your skin healthy. Do you think you have normal skin? Don't hesitate to use our diagnosis to make sure!

Lack of hydration and tightness:dry skin

The sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands helps maintain constant hydration in the upper layers of the epidermis. Mixed with sweat, this substance forms a protective microfilm called “ hydrolipidic film ". In practice, this layer slows down the phenomenon of evaporation and keeps the water inside the fabrics. However, when the structure of the epidermis does not produce enough sebum, the hydrolipidic film is less effective and the skin dries out more quickly. More sensitive to external aggressions , it pulls and presents dry areas . Dry skin also tends to have very tight pores.

Dry skin needs regular moisturizing . Thus, it is essential to integrate a moisturizer into your beauty routine. The use of vegetable oils provides essential fatty acids and nutrients for its proper balance. Prefer gentle care in order to preserve the protective film of the epidermis . Finally, remember to drink enough water to support the hydration of the skin and limit the loss of elasticity. Do you have all the symptoms of dry skin? Take the test to identify your skin type!

How to know your skin type?

Oily skin, between excess sebum and imperfections

Oily skin is characterized by excessive production of sebum all over the face. Often, it is accompanied by blemishes, acne or even blackheads . The pores are dilated, the skin is shiny and the skin texture is irregular. On the other hand, people with oily skin are less likely to suffer the signs of aging! Indeed, the hydrolipidic film protects the entire face from external aggressions, thus reducing the risk of dehydration and alteration of the structure of the epidermis.

Contrary to popular belief, oily skin also needs to be well hydrated. Generally, this type of skin requires the application of rebalancing treatments to regulate sebum production. Indeed, the use of products that are too aggressive could aggravate this phenomenon. You can also use matifying cosmetics to reduce the "shiny" appearance of the epidermis. Over time, sebum production stabilizes and the complexion regains all its vitality. acne-prone skin may need specific care:if in doubt, we invite you to consult a dermatologist.

Knowing if you have dry skin or oily skin:combination skin

As its name suggests, combination skin lies between the dry and oily skin profiles. Most often, the epidermis presents the characteristics of oily skin at the level of the forehead - nose - chin line (T zone ). Conversely, the skin on the cheeks is dry and may show signs of dehydration. This is a very common profile. To regain healthy skin and a luminous complexion, we advise you to use appropriate care. Finally, to find out if you have a combination skin profile, see our skin type diagnosis!

How to know your skin type:the diagnosis

Because it is essential to use care adapted to each individual, NUOO has developed a beauty diagnosis to determine your skin type. Through this questionnaire, we put all our expertise at your service. A few questions are enough to define the main characteristics of your epidermis . You then access a selection of well-being treatments and advice specially designed for you. Something to revolutionize your beauty routine to offer the best to your skin! Of course, you can also consult a dermatologist.

Facial care:identify your skin condition

How to know your skin type?

What is the difference between a skin type and a skin condition?

The "skin type" brings together the different characteristics that define the epidermis. If it changes during growth, it stabilizes in adulthood. The "skin condition refers to a temporary state of the epidermis. For example, the skin may show signs of dryness or tightness after exposure to the sun. This does not mean that your skin type is "dry". After a certain age, we often speak of "mature skin". Again, this is not your skin type, but a "skin condition", because it is temporary. Thus, it is essential to take skin "type" and "condition" into account when selecting your cosmetics.

Determine your skin condition:dehydrated skin

Whether you have dry, combination or normal skin, the epidermis can sometimes show signs of dehydration :the skin feels tight and redness may appear. This may be due to too long exposure to the sun, a sudden change in temperature or even a lack of water. Do not panic ! The application of a moisturizer or vegetable oil is enough to restore softness and suppleness to your skin.

How do you know if you have sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin is characterized by an abnormally high reactivity to external elements. Stress, extreme temperatures or harsh cosmetics can then cause persistent redness or irritation. How to soothe sensitive skin? The first step is to use gentle cosmetics that respect the health of the epidermis. Then, favor beauty products formulated with ingredients of natural origin. If the problem persists, we recommend that you seek advice from a dermatologist.

Identifying your skin condition:mature skin

Over time, facial skin slackens and wrinkles form . Gradually, pigment spots may also appear. This is called "mature skin". However, there are solutions to slow the aging of skin cells . For example, the application of a specific serum enriched with hyaluronic acid boosts collagen production and smoothes the surface of the epidermis.

Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, normal skin or even combination skin, it is essential to take care of it! Identifying your skin type is an essential step in selecting treatments adapted to your epidermis. How to know your skin type ? Quickly discover our skin diagnosis to identify the characteristics of your epidermis and access a selection of beauty products that meet your needs!