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How Plants Can Save Your Skin

You must have already heard of phytotherapy, this medicine based on plant extracts or their active ingredients. Plants are particularly excellent in prevention, to strengthen the body and thus prevent "bad words" from setting in. Well, they aren't miraculous either, but consumed daily, you'll feel the difference.

Because it's almost summer and you won't be able to hide your repeated McDonalds / chocolate bars behind a thick layer of winter foundation.

Because we KNOW that you dream of waking up with a fresh complexion, smooth skin, without that grainy appearance that scares you.

Because if it works, you'll finally stop looking at 8-year-old girls and thinking, "And to think that I, too, had such clear, beautiful, smooth skin."

No, there, maybe you'll find your baby's skin again:in any case, we suggest that you take the test with our plant recipes for skin that keeps the peach.

The Great Burdock

Burdock root is used orally or externally when you have oily skin. It is even often recommended in case of benign acne. But it is also THE ideal plant for all other skin disorders and conditions, such as eczema, hives, dermatoses...

> How to consume it? Prepare a decoction:add 6 grams of dry, crushed roots to 50 cl of cold water. Boil everything for 5-10 minutes and drink 3 cups a day.

It can also be used locally by placing a compress soaked in this decoction directly on the skin.

> To shopper:Burdock leaves in sachets (origin France) from the Herboristerie du Palais Royal.


It is a plant that has 3 suitcases of virtues. And if it acts on the skin by improving the condition of oily skin by detoxifying it, it also remineralizes and alkalizes the whole organism.

> How to consume it? The best way to get all its benefits is simple:throw your nettle leaves and their roots in a bowl, pour boiling water, let it infuse, mix with a little honey and consume! If you don't live near a country lane full of nettles (the most likely case), buy your nettle tea directly from an organic store.

> To shop:Organic stinging nettle leaves from L’Herbier de France.


Borage oil, consumed regularly, helps to regain good elasticity of the skin and slows down its drying out and the appearance of wrinkles.

> How to consume it? It is very present in capsule form because its oil keeps for a short time, so it is the ideal packaging. To really take advantage of its benefits, it is advisable to take regular cures.

> To shop:Borage Oil capsules from Super Diet.

To read:

>Wellness Plants , Editions Ouest-France.

> Herbal teas for every day , Michel Pierre, Artemis Editions.