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The anti-aging beauty trends for 2020

The anti-aging beauty trends for 2020

In 2020 we can expect a lot of beauty trends again. Santé lists the beauty trends in the field of anti-aging for you. Is there something you would like to try out?

1 Fruit Acid Peel

The fruit acid peeling is offered in more and more beauty salons. The fruit acids ensure that dead skin cells in the top layer of skin loosen. In this way they can be easily removed. After the peeling, new skin will appear, which should make you look younger. Pigmentation spots, scars, acne and couperose are also less noticeable. Fruit acid also promotes cell renewal.

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2 Cool-lifting

Coolifting is the new sensation in beauty land. The treatment works as follows:with a gun an explosion of carbon dioxide is applied at a high pressure at a temperature of -20ºC. The treatment is not painful and completely safe. The treatment improves the microcirculation in the skin, which boosts skin renewal and optimizes the production of elastin and collagen. Your skin will feel more elastic and firmer after the treatment, in just five minutes!

3 Nutriceuticals

The beauty trend that keeps coming to the attention is inner beauty. More and more beauticians offer nutritional supplements in addition to skin care treatments. These can be a supplement to your diet, so that certain skin problems are reduced. There are special supplements that lend the skin a helping hand to hydrate from within, fight wrinkles and improve dry skin. You also have nutritional supplements with building materials that contribute to the production of collagen. You need this to create a firm skin.

4 Acupuncture

In western culture, it is customary to apply serums, lotions and creams to the skin to reduce skin aging. In the Eastern tradition, they look much more at beauty from the inside. Chinese medicine shows that an unobstructed circulation of life energy is necessary for good health. Interruptions in this can lead to diseases and aging of the skin. Acupuncture stimulates the flow of your life energy.