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Covid 19 is 1 year old – How to continue to take care of yourself?

The Covid 19 crisis celebrates its 1 year in France today, already! The long confinement that we are undergoing as well as the curfew do not help us to feel at our best and in full vitality. Many of us indulge in a temporary depression or regularly mope. And, unfortunately, no one knows when it will end, and it is better to go and try your luck on Casino777ch than to try to guess when this global pandemic will end. So let's try to see how to keep your spirits up and continue to feel beautiful and wanted.

Covid 19 is 1 year old – How to continue to take care of yourself?
Covid 19 – 1 year later:continuing to physically talk

First of all, it is important to set a routine to continue keeping a good figure even without going to the gym. For this, book yourself a small slot of at least 20 minutes a day to do physical exercises. Abs, glutes, etc. try to work all parts of the body, and vary the exercises according to the days of the week, so that it does not become too monotonous.

Likewise, try not to fall into the temptation to snack, which is often strong when you stay locked up all day. The easiest way to avoid the risk of succumbing to it is simply to have nothing to nibble on in your cupboards. Ban cupcakes and other Nutella, it will help you a lot! Also, always try to keep a bottle of water on your desk so that you drink water regularly (at least two liters of water per day).

Covid 19 is 1 year old – How to continue to take care of yourself?
Don't stay in pajamas

Even if you stay locked up at home all day and don't have video meetings, keep up the habit of dressing up and dressing up . It will help you feel beautiful, fresh and desired. And it will go a long way to making you feel good about yourself and your spirits will skyrocket. Choose pretty clothes, put on make-up, try a new hairstyle, etc. So end the days in pajamas! Get in the shower and put on some cute clothes you'll be happy to wear! You will feel beautiful and wanted, and it will even be felt by the sound of your voice!

Covid 19 is 1 year old – How to continue to take care of yourself?
Treat yourself

In your daily routine, keep a time slot to do something that makes you happy (no storage, cooking or working). During this session of about half an hour, do what you love and think only of yourself. Reading, video games, updating your favorite social network, etc. Anything that will make you smile and make you happy.

Thus, with a few simple rules to put in place, you will very quickly regain your joie de vivre and your unfailing enthusiasm. Your well-being will once again be able to dazzle everyone around you and will help you overcome all the difficulties that this confinement puts in your way.

Covid 19 is 1 year old – How to continue to take care of yourself?