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Detox:the 10 golden rules #3

We play the girls of (pure) air

Go out, out! We leave the sidewalk and we go to get some fresh air in the forest, in the countryside, by the sea, near a waterfall, in short, anywhere where the air is charged with negative ions. Their job? By increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain and body, they boost blood alkalinity, improve heart function, strengthen the nervous system, calm stress, energize and help you sleep better. They also facilitate the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste.

We sleep like a baby

It is during the night that the body works to activate cell regeneration and eliminate toxins, with a peak of activity between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. Various studies have also demonstrated the impact of (too) short nights on weight. Indeed, lack of sleep decreases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, it influences leptin, a hormone that gives the signal that we have eaten enough and on ghrelin, which stimulates hunger. Finally, those who sleep less eat more, fatter and sweeter. Zou, sleep!

We take advantage of the cure to change our habits

We do not celebrate the end of the detox with a hamburger-fries-cola-omelette-Norwegian. You might as well shoot your liver and your brand new digestive system... On the contrary, you continue the work of purification for two or three weeks and you take the opportunity to change your eating habits by avoiding foods that are too fatty and too sweet, alcohol and cigarettes. We go slowly by reintroducing fruits, steamed vegetables and seasoned with a dash of lemon and a good olive oil (perfect for a good acid-base balance). Then we add eggs, sheep's and goat's cheese and, finally, lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and fish (all organic, preferably). If we have a crush on sugar, we discover stevia or coconut sugar (with an ultra-low glycemic index of 35, it weighs down neither the body nor the line).