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Episode #1:the counters at zero

2020 will be beauty or it will not be! After this end of the year rich in events and festivities, we approach January with a desire for sweetness and calm. A bit like setting the counters to zero, to recharge the batteries, cocoon and hibernate to attack this year in the best possible way. We reassure you:here, no good resolutions, because for us, it's all year round. Above all, it is important, even essential, to always have fun, without feeling guilty, and to do good.

To start 2020, find 3 articles in the form of episodes to fill up on inspirations and detox desires with food, lifestyle or even beauty.

So, head for this year which will be superb!

Fasting and the monodiet:resetting the counters to zero

The skin is often a reflection of our lifestyle and our diet. If she is particularly present at the moment with some irregularities, imperfections, a dull complexion... it is because the body has accumulated too many toxins (and small end-of-year excesses) that it is struggling to eliminate. . Embarking on intermittent fasting or a mono diet is a good way to help your body eliminate and purify itself, without depriving yourself of anything. The idea? Recharge the batteries and clear the air to better relieve your body. There are many beneficial effects, such as greater energy, more radiant skin, a better functioning digestive system. The principle of the mono diet is to eat only one food, preferably raw, for one to three days (grape, apple...). You can also opt for a cure of fruit and vegetable juices, for one to five days, with special cold-pressed juices, like at Atelier Nubio for example. Of course, it's up to you to adapt this mono-diet to your rhythm, your body and your desires, such as one day a week, or one meal a day. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, involves taking a real food break. It can be practiced for 16 hours, 24 hours or 2 days a week, according to Claire Andréewitch in her book Révélez votre glow (at Marabout). If you choose to fast for 16 or 24 hours, the principle is not to eat anything, but of course to drink water and hydrate yourself. For the 2 days a week option, this is to eat for 500-600 calories, and normally the other 5 days.

The best detox foods

For a successful detox, focus on star foods that help us eliminate excess and feel good! We favor vegetables, cooked and raw, and in season. Quick overview:

- water:obviously, if there is one essential thing, it's water! It is important to hydrate well for the proper functioning of the body, digestive and plumped skin;)

- lemon:it helps eliminate toxins and fats from the body

- kiwi:anti-aging fruit par excellence, it is also perfect for transit

- artichoke:promotes the elimination of fats and toxins

- activated charcoal:for its detoxifying and toxin-absorbing action

- ginger:antioxidant, it strengthens immunity

- carrot:for its antioxidant action

- beets:antioxidant

- herbs such as rosemary, thyme or mint

 Episode #1:the counters at zero

A detox drink:turmeric, lemon &ginger

To help the body cleanse itself and to purify the liver, one can drink a hot drink made from turmeric, lemon and ginger. Ideally, we drink it for 3 days, in the morning on an empty stomach, to help the body recover. The combination of turmeric, lemon and ginger is ideal:turmeric provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, lemon detoxifies and facilitates transit and ginger strengthens the immune system.

To achieve it, nothing could be simpler. Boil water before adding a sliced ​​organic lemon, sliced ​​ginger (to be peeled before), 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and honey for the greedy (optional).

A course of essential supplements

To give a boost to our body, our skin and our hair, there is nothing like betting on natural, healthy and ultra-concentrated food supplements, such as those from D-Lab, Kiki Health or Atelier Nubio. For a perfectly successful detox, you can start a 28-day cure with D-Lab's Draining Detox. Dandelion detox, antioxidant turmeric, depurative fennel and invigorating Vichy water combine their virtues to refine the silhouette and improve the appearance of your skin.

Against small excesses and digestive problems, or simply to detoxify the body, "We want... a detox booster" from Atelier Nubio is perfect for restoring balance and treating the liver! Ideal for people who have had small excesses, to facilitate and fluidify digestion or to drain and detoxify the body. It can be associated with the supplement "We want... the purest skin" which helps to find a clear complexion and a radiant skin.

And for a successful detox cure, we carry out an activated charcoal cure with Kiki Health! Obtained from coconuts, this powder is becoming more and more popular with detox treatment enthusiasts. In question, its great absorbing capacity which helps the draining and filtering organs to unclog toxins and fats. Activated carbon relieves the body and allows it to eliminate more quickly and easily.

2 "Beautiful skin" recipes by Atelier Nubio

For mature skin that needs to be deeply plumped, here is a recipe for "collagen booster yogurt" associated with "We want... a doll's complexion" powder from Atelier Nubio rich in ultra-antioxidant berries.

Ingredients (to be mixed in a bowl):

  • Coconut yogurt⠀
  • 2 teaspoons of "We want...a doll's complexion" powder⠀
  • Granola (available at Atelier Nubio or Granola Nümorning available here)
  • Red berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants...)⠀

For dull, tired skin, lacking radiance, which needs hydration and a boost, opt for the "raw cocoa and avocado smoothie". The avocado-raw cocoa and maca combination of Atelier Nubio's "We want... an energy boost" powder at breakfast or as a snack in the morning is a regenerating treatment, good for the body and morale.

Ingredients &recipe (put in a blender):

  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2 tsp "We energy boost" powder
  • 1 date
  • 20 cl of water (or more to taste)
  • Chia seeds and blueberries to garnish (optional)

See you in special detox episode #2 for a perfect skin beauty program!