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I tested the star detox at Henri Chenot


8:00 a.m. – Breakfast

On my plate, fruit. That's all. And I'm entitled to a herbal tea, yay!

8:30 a.m. – Medical examination

Appointment with Dr. Max Mayhofer:he explains to me that, to trigger the process of eliminating toxins, I will follow a nutritional program associated with draining and energy treatments. "If we eat too fat or too sweet at home, he warns me, we risk paying for it". Of the kind ? Headaches, pasty mouth and red eyes. Glamorous top.

9:00 a.m. – Energy test

Sweet Stefania, an energy specialist, weighs on me. Then I lie down on the table and let her test the energy level of my organs.

9:30 a.m. – Biofunctional check-up

In a NASA-equipped room. A nurse hands me two metal sticks that I must not let go of under any circumstances, then secures a metal hoop around my skull. Fifteen minutes later, she disconnects me and prints my tests:graphs and figures, which I don't understand.

10 a.m. – Massage

Véronica is trained in the home massage method which uses… suction cups. They follow the path of the weak meridians, in order to bring them back to energy balance. In front of my doubtful pout, she explains to me that she will also use her hands. Firm and intelligent, they are divine. And the suction cups? Oh, yes! They take off the pulp from the bottom. Triple effect relaxation, energy and relief.

11 a.m. – Hydrotherapy

I dive into a jet tub, to activate the circulation. Essential oils and colors that dance, wow! 20 minutes later, I am spread with seaweed and I lie down on a water bed heated to 37°. I sleep straight away. To conclude, the jet shower:it whips, it's good.

12:30 p.m. – lunch

The delicious menu mixes macrobiotic, vegetarian, Cretan and dissociated diets:fruit + raw vegetable salad + aubergine gratin with soy spaghetti + lemon water and digestive herbal tea. The goal ? Remain in pH and oxidation neutrality. I leave the table neither hungry nor frustrated despite (thanks) to the fact that there is no bread, no alcohol, no meat, no salt, no sugar, no coffee, no espresso.

1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Relax

Direction swimming pool. I feel fluffy, but I have enough energy to read a book. And even to go to aquagym.

7:30 p.m. – dinner and purge

Vegetable starter + artichoke velouté + Black quinoa with onions and almond sauce. For dessert, the purge:two tablespoons of magnesium chloride. It's off to a (slightly) restless night.

10:00 p.m.

Lights out



Direction toilet

5:31 a.m.


6:30 a.m.


8:00 a.m. Breakfast

Fruits and herbal tea. The view is beautiful. Uh… Where are the toilets?

8:30 a.m. – medical check

Dr. Max comments on my exams:my liver is going crazy, the gall bladder is bringing it back and my socks are full of stress. As the test gives the emotional (love, family) and rational (work) energy levels, it allows you to press exactly where it hurts... Ouch, I can't hide ANYTHING.

9 a.m. – 12 p.m. – Treatments

I find Veronica-aux-mains d’or and her suction cups, then my (already) fetish bathtub and my heated bed. Then, the energy treatment:using high frequency pulses, the acupuncture points are stimulated to relaunch the energy of the meridians and boost the detox effect.

12:00 p.m. - Scanner

Soon I will know everything about my muscle and fat distribution, the state of my bones and my metabolism.

1:00 p.m. – lunch

I start the fast:a broth of mushrooms and another of vegetables. The goal:to rehydrate the body after the purge. And make it draw on its reserves to put the toxins back into circulation and eliminate them.

2 p.m. – Pool

I expect to be hungry =I take it easy.

3:00 p.m. – CT scan results

Verdict:it's not bad but I'm a kilo short and I have 2% extra fat. So ? I need to gain a pound of muscle and lose a pound of fat. To do:develop my muscle mass (cycling, bodybuilding, push-ups) and rebalance the carbohydrate / protein / fat ratio.

5 p.m. – snack time (imaginary)

Not even hungry. Crazy. I float.

8 p.m. – Broth dinner

The waiter slips me two sticks of honey under the napkin.


8 a.m. – Blood tests…

And food intolerance tests. No breakfast. I don't care.

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Massage – energy treatment – ​​hydrotherapy. I feel good!

12:30 p.m. – Bouillon 2.0 lunch

Remember to ask for the recipe for magic broths.

5 p.m. – Pool

Still not hungry. I am pure spirit.

7:00 p.m. – Conference on dietetics

Marie-Pierre, naturopath, reminds us that if you don't take the time to digest (fried steak or stew =8 hours of digestion), you skip the regeneration and elimination stages. Hence the fouling of the body.

8:00 p.m. Dinner – Breaking the fast

In front of my sole, I have everything but want to rush. I take this opportunity to learn how to chew for a long time, without drooling. Bingo:I can't finish my plate.


9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.:treatments and assessment

The figures cause what I feel:in four days, my energy balance is back. “The cure is a starter. We become aware of the state of the body and its functioning. And we give solutions for everyday life, which evolve with age (metabolism changes every 7 years), lifestyle, etc. “, explains Henri Chenot.

2:00 p.m. – My diet plan

Elena, the dietitian, cooked me a tailor-made food program. Strong points:to lose fat, avoid fast AND slow sugars after 5 p.m. To build muscle, combine vegetable proteins + cereals and, at dinner, fish or lean meat + vegetables.

And then?

On my return, I have a crazy peach, a radiant complexion and above all, I feel supernaturally calm. I have less trouble (=euphemism) getting up in the morning. 15 days later, I'm still in good shape, I don't want to drink alcohol, eat sweets or add salt. I have a thinner thigh, where the fat has always resisted. But I didn't lose my breasts or my cheeks. And I gained a morale of steel.

*Palace Merano, Henri Price for a week all inclusive:4200 €

Homemade detox.

Three days a month or one day a week or (at least) when the seasons change, Henri Chenot recommends doing this detox:

• The evening before, the “purge”:a tbsp. of Magnesium Chloride in a glass of water.

• Breakfast:2 seasonal fruits or fruit salad (200g) + green tea or herbal tea.

• Lunch:1 fruit + small bowl of raw vegetables + 60 to 80 g of basmati or brown rice (organic) + 1 small bowl of steamed vegetables + vinaigrette:1 tbsp. of olive or rapeseed oil, lemon juice and fresh herbs.

• Snack:1 seasonal fruit

• Dinner:1 small bowl of steamed vegetables with 60 g of basmati or brown rice

• To boost liver and gallbladder:dandelion, rosemary, artichoke, burdock and mint, 2 cups per day (herbalism).

(Read:Cure de Santé, Henri Chenot, published by Laffont)