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We tested:the Club 50 Foch bootcamp

The promise. A bootcamp is an intensive sports camp from the United States (originally it was training for the Marines). The idea:surpass yourself and create group cohesion. We tested a morning of the one offered by the 50 Foch club (founded by the world and French champion of Thai boxing, Abdoulaye Fadiga), which takes place over 5 days and allows you to burn 10,000 kcal.

Crash test. When I arrive at Club 50 Foch, I'm hungry:we were asked to come on an empty stomach, to test the bootcamp in real conditions. We are offered a Detox Delight fruit juice, and off we go! We start with a 15-minute "oxygenation run", which alternates endurance running and sprinting. I'm having a little trouble with the sprint parts, but I'm holding on. We then continue with a circuit of cardio training exercises:exercise bike, chair against a wall, kinds of push-ups, squats... in total there are 6 exercises that we chain for 6 minutes (i.e. 1 minute per exercise) before resting for a minute. There, I realize that playing tennis once a week does not make me a great athlete! We do the circuit 4 times in a row, then we go to the floor, with exercises (25 minutes) on the deep muscles:abs, glutes, etc. I find it easier than cardio training, but the fatigue is already felt. Next comes the fun part of bootcamp:Thai boxing. Not because it's easier than the rest, but because we're lucky to have great athletes to coach us:all from INSEP or ex-pro athletes. We feel that the fatigue is there, but it is playful and fun to learn the punches of boxing. 45 minutes later, I'm completely exhausted (they called me Mike Tyson!), it's time to start stretching, so as not to end up with aches the following days. Once the program is finished, you are treated to a delicious Detox Delight lunch.

Verdict. Frankly, it was tough, but it was also a great experience. I loved pushing myself, even if I felt it the following days. I don't know if I could have followed this program over 5 days, but in any case, this morning made me want to exercise more regularly and motivated me to do abs twice a week. What I found really good was that I was clearly not up to some exercises (especially during cardio training), but that's okay:the coaches encouraged me and pushed me to continue , so I pushed a lot harder than I would if I was alone in a gym, and I'm proud of it!

Practical information. Bootcamp at Club 50 Foch (50, avenue Foch – 75116 Paris). 400 € for 5 mornings. Next bootcamp from December 15 to 19, 2014. More info here.