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Questions (not silly) about aesthetic medicine #1

1- What is aesthetic medicine? Only anti-aging?

No ! This medicine includes all medical acts for aesthetic purposes:those that serve to rejuvenate, but also to modify the appearance to make it more "beautiful", without the intervention of surgery.

2- What are the tools of this medicine?

Lasers, peels, all injectable products (botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, fat, etc.) and "certain machines that work on firmness and slimming... if they work:they open up interesting perspectives, of course, but they do not yet show satisfactory results,” says Dr. Niforos.

3- What can be treated with these techniques?

Hyaluronic acid restores volume, attenuates and fills wrinkles and rehydrates the dermis. The areas concerned are dark circles, cheekbones, cheeks, lips, eye contour, bitterness furrows (between lip and lower jaw) and nasolabial (between wing of the nose and outer corners of the mouth ). Its effect is immediate. Naturally present in tissues, it is very well tolerated. Botulinum toxin (three products are authorized:Vistabel, Azzalure and Bocouture) reduces expression wrinkles on the upper face:frown lines, forehead wrinkles and eye contour wrinkles. It is also used (less frequently) on the neck and lower face. Its effect takes place gradually and can be seen after 10 days. Superficial peels are used to refresh the complexion, especially when it is dull (=smokers). Good also in case of dilated pores and first wrinkles. The medium peel is used when there are pigment spots, wrinkles and slight acne scars. More rarely prescribed because it is much heavier in terms of follow-up and treatment, deep peeling is indicated for cases of aging or very marked scars. Finally, the different lasers treat redness, spots, aging, hairiness, tattoos. Co2 is also to be reserved for the most serious problems. Good to know:what makes the quality of the result is the right indication, the "hand" of the practitioner but also the combination of techniques.