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Questions (not silly) about aesthetic medicine#3

Does it hurt?

Yes and no. Injections are more uncomfortable than painful. But it depends on the person, the way of stitching and the area. The lips, for example, are much more sensitive but the problem can be avoided by performing dental anesthesia. In addition, Hyaluronic Acid is often mixed with ludocaine, a local anesthetic that calms the game. The same goes for superficial peeling and fractional laser which can tingle, or more, depending on sensitivities. The C02 laser and the medium and deep peeling, on the other hand, are performed under anesthesia but the consequences are often painful.

What are the consequences?

The effects of injections vary a lot from person to person (and the way of injecting). In the next 48 hours you may have redness and a tendency to swell (but not always). Above all, we do not skip the arnica capsules, otherwise you will turn blue at the injection points. For the mouth, if you are prone to herpes, you need a preliminary treatment. For the laser, we go from simple redness with the split to a social exclusion of 10 to 15 days with the C02 (+ a ban on exposure to the sun for 6 months). Same fight with a deep peeling (while the superficial peeling does not lead to a continuation).

What are the contraindications?

Regarding injections, all autoimmune diseases (lupus, polyarthritis, etc.) as well as contraindications relating to drugs that disrupt coagulation (aspirin, anti-inflammatories, etc.). For light peeling, acne treatments should be avoided. In case of heart or liver problems, we avoid the medium to deep peeling. Pregnancy is a precautionary contraindication in all cases.