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Pack a detox cure for the holidays

The holidays are full of temptations, from tasty cocktails by the pool and the beach to delicious ice creams in the afternoon. In the evening we enjoy wine and good food. And don't forget all those snacks. Due to all those unhealthy habits, it is therefore not surprising that some kilos are added after the holiday. We women want to enjoy themselves, but we also want to look good, both during and after the holidays. A detox cure before the holidays can help your body detox. This certainly doesn't have to be an extreme detox. Below are some tips on how to handle it.

Eat healthy
A detox naturally starts with healthy eating. Eat a low-calorie breakfast every day. Oatmeal, whole wheat bread, fresh fruit and eggs are good choices that will fill you up while helping you lose weight. Avoid high-fat products such as cheese and butter. Eat a lunch with lots of fruits and vegetables, such as a well-filled salad, vegetable soup or turkey wrap. For dinner it is also wise to choose lots of vegetables, supplemented with lean meat and sweet potato or brown rice. If you feel hungry in between meals, opt for low-calorie snacks such as lots of fruit, raw vegetables, and popcorn. There are also a variety of herbs and nutritional supplements that can aid in a detox.

Make sure you are active every day. This makes you sweat, and sweating is a natural method of ridding the body of toxins. Also, exercise increases blood flow and metabolism. You don't have to go to the gym or go for a run if that's not your thing, but make sure you have something you enjoy and that you can easily sustain.

Hydration is essential in detoxing. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps flush out the toxins and helps your body excrete waste.

Take a steam bath, sauna or infrared sauna as often as you can. Sweating is essential for any detox cure.