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The best natural remedies for acne

Although acne is often associated with our dear teenagers, almost 70% of young people are subject to it, it is more and more regular to see it in adults as well. It is estimated today that nearly 40% of people over the age of 30 (men and women combined) have acne. In both cases, we speak of hormonal acne ! Indeed in adolescence, as in adulthood, our hormones can play tricks on us and lead to the appearance of pimples of all kinds. From simple blackheads to micro cysts and white pimples, acne can be difficult to manage both in terms of its appearance and the pain it can cause. And we are not going to lie to each other, although we have tried all the possible anti-acne creams on the market, it is often difficult to get rid of them permanently! Focus on natural acne remedies !

The best natural remedies for acne

Why do I have acne (whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, etc.)?

Acne can be caused by different things.

  • It can be hormonal, in which case it is the hormones that disturb the good balance of the skin and which leads to an overproduction of sebum. This excess sebum will end up clogging the pores and creating blackheads or whiteheads . Hormonal acne is present most of the time in adolescence when the latter are madness but it can also occur in adulthood. Women are also more prone in recent years. In question ? The rather animated debates concerning hormonal contraceptives! Hormonal acne can also occur in pregnant women, postmenopausal women and menstruating women.
  • It may be due to a poor lifestyle :diet too fatty and too sweet, alcohol and cigarettes, little sport, too low water intake, etc.
  • It can be caused by a bad beauty routine . Whether the beauty routine is non-existent or whether it is made up of products that are too harsh, the result is the same!
  • It can be caused by a poor functioning of the emunctory organs . Organs called emunctory organs are those that cleanse our body by eliminating toxins. We find the kidneys, the lungs, the intestines, the liver and finally the skin. When the first four are overloaded, the skin takes over. It is therefore she who will have to take care of cleaning the body by eliminating all the toxins present in the latter... And believe us, there is work!

Acne, although often on the skin of the face, can also be on the neckline and on the back. If you want to know more about the origin of your acne, you can rely on face-mapping! This method from Chinese medicine would understand the origin of pimple outbreaks .

What treatments or solutions against acne?

Luckily for us, there are treatments available today that can help reduce acne. Of course, everyone is free to treat their acne or not! Some people have come to terms with the idea that this is how their body was made and live with it very well. Others, on the other hand, experience it very badly and only dream of one thing:to have beautiful skin ! If your acne doesn't bother you and it's not caused by a strong hormonal imbalance that leads to other health problems, you can completely let it go. On the other hand, if you observe other inconveniences such as irregular periods, significant hair growth, overweight, or other, consider consulting a dermatologist for examinations.

Drug treatments for severe acne

In terms of medicinal treatments, your dermatologist can prescribe the famous Roaccutane (now prescribed as "Curacne" or "Procuta") or give you benzoyl peroxide treatments. These two types of treatment, a fortiori very effective, are also accompanied by numerous side effects. They are usually prescribed to people with very severe acne .

Effective natural solutions

You can imagine that for us, natural acne remedies are the best! However, we also understand very well that some people go through the treatment box. The goal is to feel good about yourself, right? So feel free to do what feels best to you!

Among the natural remedies against acne we offer beauty products (organic anti-acne cream, lotion, cleanser, etc.), but also grandmother's tips and natural ingredients like essential oils.

How to treat acne on the face naturally?

Get rid of your acne naturally , it's possible ! Whether you have blackheads, whiteheads, classic pimples or micro cysts, natural products are great! In fact, one of the first things your doctor can advise you to limit acne will be to switch to softer and more natural products . Coincidence? No, we don't think so since natural and organic beauty products are formulated with ingredients that respect the balance of the skin which are not derived from petrochemicals. They will take care of all skin types by providing them with what is right without "mistreating" them. Because yes, classic products mistreat the skin! Too aggressive and harsh, they tend to destroy its hydrolipidic film (protective film) and leave it exposed to external aggressions. However, all skin types, and especially acne-prone skin, need to be protected!

Natural acne products

Of course, we have a natural anti-acne beauty routine to offer you! Moreover, the 5 categories of products named below represent the first 5 natural anti-acne remedies:

  • Organic make-up removers and cleansers. These will cleanse your skin in depth to prevent the proliferation of bacteria on the surface of the skin. For a targeted blemish remover or cleanser, look for products with essential oils of lavender, tea tree or charcoal.
  • Organic floral waters and tonics. Tonics or floral waters have different virtues depending on the plant used. They are perfect for all skin types and can relieve, heal, purify, give radiance or even regenerate the skin! Most ? They are ideal for removing limescale from the skin.
  • Organic and natural vegetable oils. These little nuggets of nature are simply magical! They can be used to moisturize the skin, make masks or to dilute essential oils in order to make targeted anti-acne treatments. Hazelnut, tamanu, nigella or jojoba oils are recommended for acne-prone skin.
  • Organic purifying masks. Nothing better than a purifying mask to cleanse your skin as it should! These masks are real detoxifying treatments for the skin.

Also know that you can use a simple Marseille soap to fight against acne! It effectively cleanses the skin and regulates sebum production... It's the zero waste anti-acne product par excellence!

The best natural remedies for acne

How to remove pimples with grandmother's recipes?

The best natural remedies for acne

Ah the grannies... These natural beauty queens! Among their most effective tips are our latest 4 natural acne remedies:

Tomato or lemon

Cleansers, purifiers and antibacterial, these two kitchen ingredients are to be used as a mask. To do this, simply cut slices of tomatoes or lemons and apply them to the skin. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water!

Cider vinegar

The latter cleans and purifies the pores of the skin gently without attacking it or drying it out. Using a cotton ball soaked in cider vinegar, just clean the areas of the face prone to acne!


Honey is the perfect ingredient! Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hydrating, purifying, sebum-regulating... It has it all! It can be used pure on pimples, in face masks and even in healing treatments. The Antipodes manuka honey mask is highly recommended to facilitate skin healing!

Clay mask

Finally, the clay can be used to make homemade treatments to fight against acne. To solve the acne problem, choose green or pink clay or ghassoul!

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of acne and that our 9 natural acne remedies will help you! Feel free to tell us your favorite natural acne remedies in the comments!