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We tested the rock crystal roller for the face

If like us you are a fan of beauty, you may have heard of face rollers embellished with mineral stones. It's the new trend that's making the buzz on the web, we see it everywhere in the videos of influencers and at first glance we don't really know what it is or how it works. To learn more about this intriguing product we tested the Rosental Organics rock crystal roller from Zalando, over a period of one week.

The principle

Whether in jade, rose quartz or rock crystal, the mineral stone roller for the face is renowned for its multiple actions. They rely on a form of medicine called lithotherapy, used to heal with mineral stones. Each stone has different properties of its own, so the rock crystal roller would be both transmitter, receiver and amplifier of energy, it would promote meditation and would better correspond to stubborn and Cartesian personalities. It promises to fight against stress, reduce the appearance of dark circles but also tighten pores, improve blood circulation and collagen production. In short, it makes us look better and relaxes.

We tested

The rock crystal roller comes in the form of a handle with two crystals at its ends. The larger of the two is used to massage the forehead, cheeks, jaw and neck, the other is intended for the contours of the eyes and mouth. Suitable for all skin types, it is used to practice a facial massage of 5 to 10 minutes every morning and every evening. As part of our test, we performed these two daily massages over a period of one week. First of all, you can choose to place your roller for a few minutes in the refrigerator for a decongestant and invigorating effect, a particularly effective trick in the morning to bring freshness and vitality to your face. Plus, the feeling of cool crystal is incredibly pleasant and soothing. We always use the roller on clean skin, so we start by cleaning the face then we apply our moisturizer (it makes the roller glide easier and helps the treatment penetrate). We start the massage with the largest stone from the bottom of the jaw to the temples, then we massage from the inside outwards from the nose to the ends of the face. We continue with the forehead starting from the eyebrows towards the hairline then we massage the neck from bottom to top. you instantly feel the muscles of the face relax as the roller passes, which gradually eliminates the tension stored up during the day. We opt for the small stone of our roller to eliminate dark circles under the eyes and massage the contour of the lips always starting from the inside towards the outside of the face. The operation can be repeated as many times as you wish! Once the massage is finished, clean the two stones with a cotton pad soaked in water, to which you can add a touch of soap. We obviously avoid putting it on the metal so as not to risk seeing it rust.


Very pleasant to use, the rock crystal roller soothes and relaxes the facial muscles, it feels like after a massage at the beautician. First of all skeptical as to the real effectiveness of this product, we find it very difficult to do without it today because we quickly get a taste for this relaxing ritual. From the third day of use, we notice an improvement in the complexion, the pores are tightened and the skin smoother. After a week, you already look better, and you notice a reduction in imperfections and an attenuation of dark circles. Of course, this is only a test over a week, but it's super encouraging, and one thing is certain:we will continue!

To get a rock crystal roll, you can do as we do through the Zalando site on which it costs €49.95