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7 tricks to refine the face

7 tricks to refine the face Cheeks that are a little too round, the beginning of a double chin, a prominent nose? We would all like to erase and refine certain areas of our face. To do this, you just need to bring good brushes and follow the guide for a makeup that refines.

How to finally assume this face a little too round that embarrasses us since we stopped hoping that it "melts" in adolescence. Yes, now we are adults and if we got rid of braces and acne, the chubby cheeks remained. How to refine them? Here are some beauty tips to have a slimmer face without going through the scalpel box.

Reshape the cheekbones with contouring

Contouring is not as complicated as it seems and above all, it is perfect for refining the face. We bring a large brush, a foundation corresponding to our complexion, a blush one or two shades darker or a matte sun powder, and an illuminator. We start by working on our complexion evenly with the usual foundation, without forgetting the neck.

Then, we apply the darker blush with a brush, to redraw the cheekbones. To spot them, we make the fish by tucking in our cheeks. Spread the blush with the edge of the brush, from the ears to the center of the cheek, diagonally. Make sure to blend the color well by making circular movements with a large brush. With the illuminator, we now come to illuminate certain areas to draw attention to them:the bridge of the nose, the cupid's bow, the area just above the eyebrows and the center of the chin. We always choose matte materials for the complexion of round faces.

We refine your nose with a darker blush

To refine a nose that is a little too prominent, we take our darkest blush and apply it vertically on the sides of the nose. To add light, highlight the bump and the tip of the nose with an illuminator or a slightly lighter foundation.

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Erase your double chin by creating a shadow

The double chin is the nightmare of many of us. In the photos, we only see him. But to reduce it, there is an infallible make-up trick. We just create a shadow under the jaw to refine it. With our big brush, we take a little darker powder that we spread along the jaw and at the level of the jaws with the edge of the brush. We take care to create an "outline" with a transparent powder to reduce the demarcation. We keep a light hand so as not to end up with a beard effect, not very glamorous.

Take care of your eyebrows

Very important for structuring the face, they can also refine it. To lengthen a round face, we pluck her eyebrows by drawing a high arc, which will stretch the face upwards to refine the features. We make sure that the eyebrows are always perfectly plucked and we lengthen them and redraw them with an eyebrow pencil.

We make up our almond eyes

To draw attention to the look and to lengthen the face, stretch the eye by applying almond makeup. We opt for a line of eyeliner stretched towards the temples if we have the precise gesture, otherwise, we prefer a stretched smoky-eye, with brown, taupe or plum eye shadows (perfect for green eyes). Obviously, we lengthen our eyelashes to emphasize the eyes. The gaze thus enlarged will divert attention and capture all the light.

We opt for a nude and matte lipstick

Unfortunately, dark lipstick shades tend to reverse the desired effect. We prefer more natural shades, nude and discreet tones. On the material side, we avoid shine, which is the enemy of round faces and we choose a matte stick, to emphasize your mouth. To give verticality to the lip make-up, apply a touch of lighter lipstick in the center of the lips and then make up the rest with a slightly darker shade.

Choose the right haircut to slim down your face

Makeup is a good technique to refine your face, but it is not everything. The haircut is also very important. We put on the volume on the top of the head by tying in high buns, we choose degraded cuts and long locks that sweep the face. We especially avoid stiff lengths like sticks and we put everything on wavy undulations.

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