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3 steps to remove dark spots on the face

Skin aging, hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, genetic predispositions… So many factors that precipitate the appearance of brown spots on the skin. Although benign, these undesirables are often considered unsightly. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce this hyperpigmentation from your bathroom! Veld's tells you how to remove spots on the face in 3 cosmetic gestures.

1. Reduce dark spots on the face with exfoliation

Regular exfoliation is the first thing to do to fade spots on the face . The principle ? We gradually eliminate melanin (pigment involved in the coloring of the complexion and the appearance of brown spots) which has risen to the surface of the skin by peeling off dead cells and boosting cell renewal.

The skin is instantly softened, smoothed and brightened. And not to spoil anything, this ritual has the advantage of reinforcing the penetration of the active ingredients of your skincare products into the epidermis, and therefore considerably increasing their effectiveness!

To reduce your dark spots, you can exfoliate your skin with two types of products:chemical scrubs or mechanical scrubs . The first involve acids or keratolytic enzymes, which accelerate natural desquamation without attacking the skin. The latter contain tiny particles that provide gentle abrasion through a circular massage.

2. Opt for anti-dark spot care

Before you think about running to a dermatologist for a shock treatment, start by incorporating less harsh cosmetics into your beauty routine that target dark spots on your face. These are often so-called “anti-dark spot” serums enriched with depigmenting agents :they even out the complexion while inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the synthesis of melanin. They therefore provide a treatment function, but also a preventive one!

The most effective and well-known cosmetic active ingredients in this field are vitamin C , glycolic acid , arbutin , kojic acid or citric acid . Although they are gentler than a dermatological peel or lasers, these treatments are generally photosensitizing:also, be sure to systematically apply a sunscreen when you go outside!

Finally, arm yourself with patience:brown spots on the skin do not disappear overnight. Several cell cycles are necessary before observing an improvement.

3. Limit dark spots on the skin with an SPF moisturizer

Many women who wonder how to remove dark spots on the face end up neglecting THE essential gesture to keep their skin healthy:hydration. Hyperpigmentation or not, the skin needs water to maintain its natural functions and defend yourself properly against external aggressions... including UV rays!

Although it is essential to our body, the sun stimulates the melanocytes, responsible for the production of melanin pigment... and therefore tends to intensify small pre-existing spots.

To kill two birds with one stone with your dark spots, choose a moisturizer with high sun protection . Apply it every morning and in all seasons, even if you don't expose yourself to ultraviolet rays for a long time or you don't work outdoors.

In summer, when the sun's rays are stronger, boost your skin's defenses by temporarily abandoning exfoliation:the dead cells that thicken the superficial layer of the skin constitute a good anti-UV barrier, complementary to an anti-sun product.