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Dark pigment spots on your face

Maybe you have always suffered from pigmentation spots, or you suddenly notice that you have one. On closer inspection, it looks like one of those pigment spots that older people have on their hands. What can you do about it?

What is pigment? Melanin (or pigment) is the substance that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes. For example, an albino lacks the substance melanin and therefore has white hair and white skin. A pigmentation spot occurs when extra pigment is produced and the dark dye accumulates in the skin:you then speak of hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is in most cases harmless. From a cosmetic point of view it can be very disturbing, because it mainly occurs on the face.

Which forms of hyperpigmentation are common?

Sunspots Sunspots are the most common type of pigmentation spots. It affects around 80 percent of middle-aged people, both women and men. These brown discolorations are mainly seen on the face and hands. They arise there because these body parts most often come into contact with sunlight (UV rays). Almost all sunspots are harmless. However, if they change shape or if bumps appear, it is wise to immediately visit your doctor or dermatologist.

Pregnancy Mask
A pregnancy mask mainly occurs in pregnant women, but women who take the pill can also suffer from it. These spots develop under the influence of hormones, usually on the forehead, nose and cheeks. They vary in size, unlike the age spots, which are usually small and dark. With a pregnancy mask, it can happen that the entire face discolours so that it looks like someone is wearing a mask. It usually disappears a few months after delivery. If you suffer from it, stay out of the sun consistently and apply a high (50+) factor on your face every day.

Acne spots Whoever has had acne in the past can be left with a nasty legacy:scars or red spots. Less well known is acne can also cause pigment disorders. These dark spots occur when the skin is exposed too much to the sun during the inflammation phase. The chance of hyperpigmentation then increases, because the skin is very vulnerable and will discolour easily. These stains usually go away on their own, although that can take a while:sometimes up to three years or longer.

Treatments against pigmentation spots

Laser Therapy
The latest treatments can offer a solution when combating pigmentation spots. The laser, for example:during a treatment, the laser beam penetrates the skin and lets the pigment 'evaporate'. This will renew the skin and clear the pigment. After a number of treatments, the bottom layer of the pigment accumulation has been reached and the visible stain will have almost disappeared. During and after the laser treatments it is advisable to stay out of the sun and to carefully apply a high factor to the skin. It is important to have the laser treatment performed by a reputable clinic. Let yourself be advised and don't be tempted by low prices.

Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is a mechanical peeling, especially suitable for colored acne scars and sun spots. The device sands a thin layer of the skin and the specialist can focus on pigment spots by sanding them more intensively. Often more treatments are needed, but how much exactly depends on the skin type and the depth of the pigmentation disorder. The following also applies to microdermabrasion:stay out of the sun during and up to six weeks after the treatment and always apply a high factor to the skin. If you opt for microdermabrasion, it is best to discuss this with your dermatologist first. For example, you cannot remove a pregnancy mask with it.

A special cream
Pigmentation problems are very complex. Getting rid of a pigment spot is not easy. The most effective ingredient against pigmentation spots is Hydroquinone, a type of "bleaching agent" that can lighten the skin and make pigmentation spots disappear. It's a strong ingredient. For fifteen years, this ingredient in concentrations higher than 2% has been banned from being sold in Europe without a prescription. It can damage the skin:permanent white spots or black spots can appear. Do you want to use a whitening cream? Then don't just buy it via the internet, but ask a referral to the dermatologist, who can put together the right cream for you and give you advice on how to use the cream.