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10 ways your face is aging

There are ways you can easily add 10 years to your face without even realizing it. We list 10 ways here, according to experts.

1. Using your phone:Constant cell phone use can be very problematic for your skin. A large amount of bacteria gets on your phone, which means that these bacteria come in direct contact with the skin on your face, which can result in bad cases of acne. The small fonts and glare of the screen can lead to squinting, which can also worsen and cause more frown lines. Also, by using a mobile phone you put more pressure on your face, which can lead to more spots. Scrolling for extended periods can lead to increased activation in neck muscles and create tension in the jaw.

2. Your bed linen:Did you know that the way you sleep can lead to aging? Lying on the skin can cause small folds on your body that can create premature wrinkles. Silk pillowcases are highly recommended.

3. Drinking through a straw:While straws are recommended to protect our teeth from juices and coffee, the action of sucking through a straw can cause fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth area.

4. Rubbing your skin:Applying an anti-aging cream can have the opposite effect if you rub your skin too aggressively. Tapping or dabbing the cream on the skin not only prevents unnecessary stretching or aging of the skin, but you also give your body the chance to absorb the product more effectively.

5. Room and water temperature:Temperatures that are too hot can dry out your skin very quickly. Hot showers and central heating over time cause the skin to crack and become dry, revealing fine wrinkles.

6. Certain foods:We all know that too much sugar is bad for you. But the body breaks sugar into glucose and glucose sticks to cells like collagen. Also be aware of your daily eating habits – coffee and tea can dehydrate your body and prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.

7. Too Long Hair:Too long hair can cause aging as it pulls features and lengthens the face.

8. Using Soap:Soap dries out the skin, and if you have very dry skin, you may see wrinkles and fine lines.

9. TV marathons:Watching TV with friends can lead to major binge eating. Staring at a TV screen for extended periods of time can make you look tired. Light from cell phones and computers is referred to as high energy visible light, which upregulates the deeper layers of the skin with an MMP-1 enzyme. MMP-1 breaks down the skin's collagen and elastin, the structures that keep skin firm and youthful.

10. Last-Minute Drinks:We've all been there:You've got an early night planned and you accept an invite for an after-work drink anyway. However, adding just a few extra alcohol units per week can spell disaster for our skin.