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Which type of face mask for which type of skin?

Although not considered an essential in the basic beauty routine, face masks are essential for achieving clear, healthy and beautiful skin.

Since every skin type is unique, you really need to make sure you're using the best mask for your skin type .

In this article, Mes Habits Chéris reviews all the different types of masks existing ones, their advantages and above all how to choose the ones that will give you the best results.

The usefulness of face masks

Did you know? Masks do not give an exfoliating benefit contrary to popular belief.

Since your skin often changes due to seasonal changes, hormonal cycles, travel and other factors, the same mask will not suit different people. Each type of mask offers a specific benefit, so ideally you should have 2 or 3 in your closet so you can ensure your skin gets what it needs.

When masks were first created decades ago, they were made with dry clays. Although many clay-based formulas have since been updated to be less drying (but not all), many people have a habit of using this type of mask. Most skin types need hydration rather than drying out, so they're not for everyone.

The different types of face masks

Hydrating gel masks

  • Most of the formulas on this type of mask are oil-free.
  • Their main benefit is to provide water-based hydration to thirsty skin cells (skin cells are like fish and need water to live).
  • The gels have a natural cooling effect to soothe redness and sensitivity. These masks can be stored in the fridge for an extra cooling and anti-redness effect.
  • Ideal in case of overheated skin, such as after intensive exercise or after exposure to the sun.
  • Ideal to use after an airplane flight when water evaporation has occurred in the skin.

Every skin type can benefit from a hydrating gel mask (if you only buy one mask, a gel is best).

Clay masks

  • Formulations can vary widely as to how the clay can be dried.
  • Look for formulas that promote moisturizing benefits. A good rule of thumb is to avoid clay masks which dry very tight and crack into a million pieces.
  • Using an oil-free moisturizing serum can offset any drying effects.
  • The main benefit is to draw out the oil and provide a cleansing and tightening effect for the pores.
  • Ideal for warmer periods like summer when skin can get oily.
  • Also great when you just want that clean feeling.

May be beneficial to use only in oilier areas (like the T-zone) and use a gel mask in dehydrated areas. Oily, combination and clog-prone skin will benefit the most from a clay mask.

Cream face masks

  • Choose a creamy, moisturizer-like texture formulated with emollients and oils.
  • The main benefit is to provide oil-based hydration to dry skin.
  • Many cream face masks can be left on overnight for deeper absorption (best to put a towel over your pillow to keep the oil from dripping).
  • Not recommended for oily, combination and dehydrated skin.
  • Ideal in winter, when dry skin is at its worst.
  • Ideal for giving the skin a bouncy look.
  • Ideal to use after an airplane flight to restore lost hydration

Peel Off face masks

  • Most formulas are oil-free
  • Made from various fabrics and materials like non-woven fibers, bio-cellulose and rayon.
  • The main benefit is to provide water-based hydration to thirsty skin cells.
  • May have a natural cooling effect to soothe redness and sensitivity.
  • Can be stored in a refrigerator for additional cooling and reduced redness.

Be careful when using black masks. These very effective peel-off masks for removing blackheads can sometimes be harmful to your skin. To make sure you don't make a mistake when choosing yours, read our article on black masks.

How do I use a face mask for my skin type?

Cleansing your skin and applying a face mask is a good beauty gesture, but it is by no means enough to obtain the desired result! For best results, you must first exfoliate the skin to allow the mask to penetrate more easily. Opt for a gentle exfoliator for a good prep

When is the best time to do a face mask?

  • After the flight
  • After training
  • Post-beach / sun
  • Before a special event

Whenever your skin looks dull, tell yourself it could use a pick-me-up.

How often should I use a face mask?

Once a week as part of an at-home facial.

It all depends on the type of skin. If the skin is too dry, it may be necessary to increase the number of uses of the masks. In general, for dry skin, masks containing hyaluronic acid are a better choice.

Oily skin also requires face masks . On the other hand, using a mask once a week may be sufficient for people with oily skin.

Finally, people who don't have dry or oily skin are those who have combination skin. Typically, they need these facials twice a week.

Those with dry skin may need to use face masks 4-5 times depending on how dry their skin is. Unlike them, people with oily skin would only need to use a face mask three times a week.

Disclaimer:Content found on Meshabitsché, including:text, images, audio, or other formats have were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions about a medical condition.