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What type of exfoliation is suitable for my skin?

Our skin is constantly regenerating:day after day, cells die and others take their place. To facilitate this process of cell renewal , regular exfoliation rids the skin of dead cells . The key:a more beautiful, more supple and more luminous skin! For this, there are several types of exfoliation:enzymatic, chemical and grain exfoliation. Which best suits your skin type? Check it out below.

What type of exfoliation is suitable for my skin?

What is an exfoliator?

We often forget it, but our skin is daily exposed to elements that disrupt its radiance and its renewal:cool temperatures, wind, pollution or even occlusive makeup suffocate our skin and limit its renewal.

Exfoliation clears the way and restores clean, purified skin by eliminating dead cells on the surface of the skin. The exfoliant also stimulates cell renewal

Why exfoliate your face regularly?

Exfoliation helps to awaken the complexion, to have a softer and more radiant skin. Helps unclog pores and regulate sebum production, while fighting against the appearance of imperfections such as blackheads or pimples. Regular exfoliation therefore helps the skin breathe better and renew itself more effectively.

Discover our selection of facial scrubs for all skin types!

When to exfoliate your face?

The frequency of exfoliation of your face depends on your skin type. Generally speaking, normal skin can be exfoliated once a week. If you have oily skin, you can exfoliate it up to twice a week with a suitable treatment. On the other hand, dry, sensitive and reactive skin is more fragile and should not be exfoliated more than once every two weeks.

One of the mistakes not to make is to exfoliate your skin too often, at the risk of sensitizing it. Your skin will feel challenged and respond with an acne breakout, and that's usually not the effect you're looking for by exfoliating your face!

Also avoid exfoliating your skin in summer:it needs to thicken to protect itself from the sun, exfoliating it would sensitize it and make it more fragile.

Chemical, enzymatic or grain:what are the differences?

The grain scrub

The grain scrub is the most common type of exfoliator on the market. As its name suggests, it contains small grains from the pulp of fruit, flowers or shells in organic and natural cosmetics. The size of the grains varies according to the type of product:for the face, they will be finer and less aggressive only on the body.

Enzymatic exfoliation

enzymatic exfoliation is relatively unknown to consumers of organic and natural cosmetics. This is an exfoliating treatment that does not contain grains, but fruit acids (the famous AHAs) which will gently eliminate dead skin cells. Generally presented in the form of masks or peelings, more concentrated in active ingredients, to be left on the skin for a few minutes, they are just as effective as classic grain scrubs.

Chemical or acid scrub

The chemical scrub differs from enzymatic exfoliation by the exfoliating agents used. It can be glycolic acid, lactic acid or salicylic acid, which are fruit acids derived from plants or synthesized. These compounds should be chosen according to the type of skin to avoid possible irritation. For an anti-aging effect, we will rather opt for glycolic acid. Salicylic Acid meanwhile, it will be more recommended for exfoliating combination to oily skin with its purifying and astringent action. Lactic acid will be recommended for all skin types and will bring more radiance to normal skin.

Which exfoliator to choose according to my skin type?

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What type of exfoliation is suitable for my skin?

Skin with imperfections

Skin prone to acne pimples or imperfections should avoid grainy face scrubs so as not to attack the sebaceous glands. Acne is indeed linked to an inflammatory reaction which could worsen in the event of too aggressive exfoliation of the epidermis. We will then opt instead for fruit acids and more particularly chemical exfoliants based on salicylic acid to purify the skin, tighten pores and rebalance the skin. We recommend Patyka's Micro-Peeling Radiance Essence, which unifies the complexion, restores its radiance and fades dark spots.

Combination to oily skin

As with skin with imperfections, combination to oily skin needs a gentle exfoliation to eliminate dead cells without activating an overproduction of sebum. We will therefore favor enzymatic or chemical exfoliants, or classic grain scrubs, provided that they are very fine. Rhassoul is also a very interesting natural exfoliating powder to use for its antibacterial and softening properties!

Dry skin and mature skin

For a gentle exfoliation, dry and mature skin will prefer enzymatic exfoliation . Gentle on the skin, it gently regenerates skin cells without dehydrating it further. For more efficiency, choose an exfoliant that includes nourishing and softening active ingredients such as non-comedogenic vegetable oils (jojoba, sweet almond oil, etc.) or vegetable butters. To rid the skin of impurities, avoid rubbing the face! We advise you to use the Musaclean Organic Green Banana Peeling Mask by Kadalys.

And for sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin also has the right to an exfoliation! Instead, opt for an enzymatic exfoliant that will not sensitize your skin more. Space out your scrubs and don't leave them on too long to prevent them from irritating you. For this skin type, La Canopée's Perfect Exfoliation Fruit Acid Mask is perfect.

How do I apply my exfoliant?

We advise you to exfoliate your skin in the evening, so that it can regenerate during the night. The exfoliant is applied to cleansed skin. Before any application, you must therefore rid your skin of the impurities accumulated during the day. To do this, proceed with your usual cleaning or double cleaning.

Apply your exfoliant in circular movements and in a generous quantity on your face, avoiding the eye area. If you are using a chemical or enzymatic exfoliant, leave on for about 10 minutes. You may feel slight tingling due to the chemical action.

Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Find advice from Julie, our beauty expert, who will give you all the necessary advice on how to use scrubs and exfoliants in this video.

How to take care of your skin after a peeling?

After a peel, moisturizing your skin is an essential step to help it regenerate and prevent it from drying out. Apply your moisturizer or your usual oil on your face and avoid exposing it to the sun.

The day after the exfoliation, we advise you to apply a sun protection cream.

And you, what is your skin type and what type of exfoliation did you choose? Tell us about your experience in the comments!