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Facial sauna:what benefits for my skin?

You have probably heard about it around you, the facial sauna is a real revolution in our beauty routine! With a simple steam bath, we find a perfectly clear and soft skin. Bonus:we enjoy a real moment of relaxation. When we can finally take the opposite of the famous “you have to suffer to be beautiful”, it would be wrong to deprive yourself of it! Here is everything you need to know about the facial sauna.

Facial sauna, what are the benefits?

The facial sauna relies on the benefits of hot water vapor for the skin. You can see these benefits after a visit to the spa:the skin is clearer, softer and more radiant than ever. With the facial sauna, you will be able to benefit from the same targeted benefits on the face. Even better, you can perform these treatments quietly, at home.

But then what are the effects of this steam bath on the face? The hot water vapor will dilate the pores, to easily evacuate impurities and excess sebum . In addition, the heat will make the skin tissue sweat, which will promote the evacuation of toxins.

Not only, the skin is detoxified , but it is “prepared” to receive other treatments:a scrub for perfectly clear skin, followed by beauty and moisturizing treatments whose absorption will be facilitated. The facial steam bath thus increases the effects of your treatments tenfold, with immediate results on the beauty of the skin.

Who is the facial steam bath for?

The steam bath is ideal for normal skin, combination skin, and oily skin. It clears the way, to mattify the skin, and prevent the appearance of imperfections . It is a very good ally for smokers and city dwellers, who notice the effects of pollution on the skin, and want to treat themselves to a good detox.

On the other hand, the facial sauna is not recommended for dry and sensitive skin . In fact, the high heat can contribute to drying out the skin and weakening it. In the same way, the facial sauna is not suitable for reactive, weakened skin, or skin prone to rosacea.

How to make a homemade facial sauna?

The old-fashioned steam bath, or the high-tech machine?

To make a homemade facial sauna, you have two options. You can get a dedicated device, on sale in appliance stores, or at certain beauty brands. Their advantages? They allow you to regulate the temperature well , to limit the risk of burns. They also offer support to position your face well, at a good distance from the water, and in a comfortable position to be able to relax. The only downside:these machines can be expensive.

Second option:do your facial steam bath old-fashioned, with a large bowl of hot water. You place your face above the bowl, about 15cm away, and a towel over your head to lock in the heat. You must then be careful not to use water that is too hot, not to stand too close to the water, and to find a position that does not hurt your neck to last 10 to 15 minutes. If this option is less comfortable, it has the advantage of being completely free.

Facial sauna and essential oil:which oil to use?

To prepare your steam bath, use mineral water or filtered tap water . The chlorine contained in tap water is aggressive for the skin, so this detail is very important. Then you can add essential oils to hot water, in order to beautify your skin.

To enhance combination to oily skin, lemon and grapefruit essential oils are ideal, thanks to their astringent and purifying action. If you are prone to acne, opt instead for the essential oils of tea tree and cineole rosemary , which will cleanse and purify the skin. To give mature skin a boost, neroli and linaloe berry essential oils are ideal for toning the skin.

Be careful, although essential oils are natural, their active ingredients are very powerful. They must therefore handle them with care . Do not apply them directly to the skin under any circumstances, pour only two to three drops of oil into your preparation and mix gently. If your skin is injured or sensitized, do not use essential oil. It is also recommended not to expose yourself to the sun after a steam bath, especially if you use photo-sensitizing essential oils.

Veld's advice:seek the advice of a professional in a pharmacy or parapharmacy.

What to do after the facial sauna?

Once the facial sauna is ready, all you have to do is relax and rest quietly for 10 to 15 minutes. Under no circumstances exceed this time. Then perform a gentle exfoliation to fully extract all impurities as long as the pores are open. If you are prone to blemishes, you can eliminate them with a blackhead remover (be careful, we go there gently, and by disinfecting your equipment well).

Then apply your serum, and/or your beauty cream , like our Pure Pulp Neo. It restores freshness and tone to the skin in a single step! We advise you to perform these treatments in the evening, and you will see the results the next day:detoxified, clear, and soft skin!