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Antioxidants:what benefits for your skin?

Stars of anti-aging creams, antioxidants are essential to your youth capital. But do you know what distinguishes them from other cosmetic active ingredients? And above all, why are they so important? Veld's dissects for you the modes of action of antioxidants and their benefits for your skin.

What are antioxidants?

The antioxidants are substances common to certain micronutrients . They are present in nature, including in your body, where they participate in the defense of your cells. They have the ability to prevent chemical alterations caused by contact with oxygen present in the air. This is called oxidation , hence their name antioxidants. Is it still blurry? Don't panic, we'll detail that together.

What are antioxidants for?

A shield against oxidative stress

To understand the value of antioxidants , we must first identify the phenomenon of oxidative stress. Oxygen, especially that from cellular respiration, is not always your friend. It participates in the formation of chemical species called free radicals . These are neither more nor less than oxygen atoms whose chemical structure has been unbalanced (1 electron more or less).

Highly reactive, these molecules attack cell constituents , including DNA and proteins. When your body's defense systems are no longer sufficient, they cause a state of oxidative stress . This situation accelerates cellular degeneration and can even give rise to pathologies, including cancer. In short, it's as if your cells and tissues were rusting!

How do antioxidants work?

In this explosive context, what are antioxidants for and how do they act? All their interest lies in their ability to trap free radicals , which they neutralize. This is why they are also called "anti-radical or “anti-free radicals .

To do this, they bind to the unstable electron of the molecules to restore their chemical balance and prevent them from attacking healthy cells. When they are applied to your skin, it is at the level of the stratum corneum (the most superficial layer of your epidermis) that they carry out their mission.

Antioxidants and skin:the winning combo

While antioxidants are used extensively in the health sector, it is in the beauty sector that they are talking about them, with a resurgence of interest in dietary supplements and topical antioxidant products. It must be said that they are great allies for reducing the signs of aging.

Oxidative stress and skin aging

Oxidative stress affects your entire body, and your skin is the first to suffer . At a time when modern lifestyle overexposes our skin to free radicals (blue light from screens, UV rays, etc.), it even plays a leading role in skin aging .

Indeed, free radicals weaken skin cells and deteriorate the fibers of youth what are collagen and elastin. This is followed by early expression lines, loss of radiance and sagging. Admittedly, physiological aging is inevitable. But oxidative stress speeds things up. Hence the interest of including powerful antioxidants in his daily routine!

Antioxidants:their benefits on the skin

  • They prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • They help maintain a firm and plump face.
  • They help limit the appearance of dark spots.
  • They reveal the radiance of the complexion.
  • They help control inflammation, especially rosacea.
  • They help prevent skin cancer.

How to provide antioxidants to your skin?

As nature does things well, antioxidants are present in generous proportions in the plant and animal kingdom. You can take advantage of antioxidants and their benefits by consuming them orally and dermal.

In your diet

The first source of antioxidants , it is of course your plate. If you want to preserve your youthfulness, know that you will find anti-free radicals galore in fresh fruits and vegetables . In short, all you have to do is eat your five fruits and vegetables a day to fill up!

Need inspiration? Here is a selection of foods rich in powerful antioxidants:

  • Sources of carotenoids:melon, carrots, tomatoes, squash…
  • Fish, seafood and shellfish.
  • Nut and hazelnut-type oilseeds.
  • Alliaceae:onion, leek, garlic.

In your cosmetics

Most cosmetic formulas contain antioxidants. They are there primarily to protect molecules sensitive to oxidation and guarantee the integrity of the formula over the long term. But they are much more interesting when they are used in high concentration as active ingredients in their own right . Therefore, they act as an unparalleled anti-aging shield .

If you want to incorporate antioxidants for the skin into your beauty routine, look for the following ingredients first:

  • Vitamin C :it is the undisputed queen of antioxidants! Very powerful, it actively participates in the fight against pigment spots and sagging skin.
  • Coenzyme Q10 :this enzymatic cofactor is involved in cell protection. It is naturally present in the body, but its production decreases with age.
  • Polyphenols :divided into several families (flavonoids, tannins, lignans, etc.), they are extracted from plants such as grapes, red fruits, algae or even green tea.
  • Some trace elements :essential to the balance of the body, zinc and selenium are both powerful antioxidants.

How to properly use antioxidant cosmetic care?

The antioxidant molecules present in cosmetics offer you effective long-term protection . It is therefore essential to apply it religiously every day to support your skin's natural defences. Whether you are 25, 35 or 55 does not matter:prevention is essential at any age!

You will find a majority of antioxidants in serums and creams , the best being to combine them in different dosage forms. For those who want to go simpler, opt for an all-in-one treatment like our Pure Pulp Neo. Both hydrating and lifting, this beauty gel is enriched with centella asiatica , an ingredient recognized for its exceptional concentration of antioxidants. A real youth asset that hits the mark on all skin types!