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Anti-stress beauty:what care should you choose?

Overview of treatments to adopt now!

Whether in our personal or professional life, we constantly experience stressful situations. To limit its effects on our morale and our body, natural beauty rich in relaxing and decontracting active ingredients helps us relax and regain control of our lives.

What is stress?

Stress is the body's response to a particular situation that occurs at a time T through emotional and/or physical manifestations.

This is when stress becomes chronic that it becomes dangerous:it can then lead to more or less serious and prolonged symptoms such as muscle tension, sleep disorders or even digestive disorders or anxiety.

Know how to slow down

Our society invites us to always go faster, to always be more productive and to live at 100 per hour, which exposes us on a daily basis to stressful situations. It is not for nothing that the slow movement been more and more talked about in recent years! To find calm and serenity, we often feel the need to slow down and take time for ourselves, to find ourselves and take stock of our professional and personal life.

The effects of stress on skin and hair

The tensions that our body undergoes in a situation of prolonged stress have visible effects on our skin . As blood circulation is modified, our skin is less well irrigated, causing redness, dullness or even premature aging.

skin problems can also appear, a direct consequence of our anxious state:appearance of imperfections, excessive production of sebum or even eczema or psoriasis are relatively frequent in people who are often stressed. Likewise, our scalp is also exposed to the effects of stress. It is then common to observe hair loss, the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis, itching or dandruff.

How to find serenity?

To get rid of daily stress and regain emotional well-being , arranging moments of relaxation is essential. This can go through the practice of a relaxing activity such as sophrology, meditation or keeping a gratitude journal to fill in the evening to fall asleep more easily, or through the practice of a sport such as yoga or pilates.

Create a beauty routine is also an avenue to explore to drive away the worries of everyday life with suitable active ingredients, textures and scents that help us relax.

Essential oils

Used with care, essential oils are very powerful to help us evacuate stress by acting on our body. There are many essential oils with relaxing properties :lavender, sweet orange, ylang-ylang, bigarade petit grain…

The anti-stress essential oils can be used in several ways:by diffusion in an essential oil diffuser 20 minutes before bedtime, by olfaction diluted in a vegetable oil and applied to the wrists or the solar plexus or even incorporated into cosmetic treatments. Opt for the Harmonizing Rosehip Massage Oil of the brand Weleda , a safe bet that will help you create a sensory ritual that is a source of well-being and calming.

Body treatments

Natural and organic cosmetics are full of active ingredients that are good for our skin but also for our well-being. Taking advantage of the evening to relax in the bathroom is one of our favorite moments, let's face it! To maximize the benefits of this relaxing break and to help us fall asleep more serenely, we put on the Bonne Nuit shower gel from La Canopée, rich in relaxing essential oils.

Why not opt ​​for a relaxing bath tonight rather than a shower? The bath milks from La Nouvelle Botanique or the tranquility bath salts from Maison Meunier offer you a timeless break to savor without moderation….

When you get out of the shower, extend the pleasure of relaxation with the application of orange and lavender body lotion from Dr Bronners.

Face treatments

On the face care side, we pamper our skin with the relaxing and hydrating serum Nourish London or the organic night cocoon mask from Akane to get a new look when you wake up!