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What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress, impossible to miss. And for good reason:it is the primary source of skin aging. But what exactly is oxidative stress? How does it work ? And, above all, how to prevent it effectively? Veld's takes stock for you!

Oxidative stress:definition

Oxidative stress (or oxidative stress) is a totally natural phenomenon , which no one escapes. It is neither more nor less than a chemical reaction, in which oxygen is involved. . He's the big one!

Once captured by the body (when you simply breathe), it triggers the production of molecules called "free radicals ". They are essential to life:they are the ones that help you, among other things, to defend yourself against viruses.

Normally, the amount of free radicals present in your body is carefully controlled by your cells, which take care of eliminating them. The problem is when your body can no longer keep up and the free radicals build up to excess. This imbalance causes chain reactions that gradually destroy your healthy cells :we then speak of “oxidative stress”.

Factors causing oxidative stress

This dysfunction in the regulation of free radicals generally occurs as a result of an aggression inflicted on the body. For example, if you suffered from a serious illness or followed a heavy drug treatment, it is quite possible that your body came out of it weakened, and that it is now struggling to protect itself properly against these invaders.

But the most common causes remain linked to a contemporary lifestyle :pollution, physiological stress, sedentary lifestyle (and even the abuse of sports activities) or excessively regular sunbathing sessions are all factors likely to upset your body and lead to oxidative stress. Without forgetting, of course, smoking.

The consequences of oxidative stress on the skin

Obviously, this imbalance is not without consequences. Oxidative stress is the cause of much damage. The damage gradually sets in as free radicals gain ground in your body. They attack the constituents of your cells, until they completely oxidize them. In short, it's as if your cells were rusting! Result:your tissues and organs age prematurely .

And the skin is not spared from this aging process. Attacked by oxidative stress, it relaxes little by little , loses tone and firmness . wrinkles and fine lines precociously mark the face. In short, the functioning of the skin seizes up. If this process remains inexorable, it is fortunately possible to delay its appearance. How? 'Or' What ? By focusing on the right gestures and targeted treatments!

Fight against oxidative stress on a daily basis

Cleanse your skin morning and evening

Cleansing is the essential beauty gesture of any beauty routine . In the morning, it prepares the skin to receive its care; in the evening, he rids her of make-up and all the polluting particles likely to alter her functions. Your best ally? A cleansing oil, perfect for gentle cleansing upon waking and deep make-up removal at the end of the day.

Opt for antioxidant treatments

And precisely, what better way to fight against oxidation than antioxidants? Modern cosmetics has made it its hobbyhorse! But it is still necessary to find the right components in the formulas. Track polyphenols and vitamins A, C and E in your care:they are the ones that will help you break the vicious circle of free radicals.

Protect yourself from the sun

Solar radiation considerably increases the amount of free radicals present in the body, and therefore plays a leading role in the onset of oxidative stress. So, it is better to protect yourself properly!

Every day, apply a moisturizer or foundation enriched with anti-UV active ingredients . To kill two birds with one stone, consider our Flash Protect:its key ingredient, uvaxin, prevents premature aging of the skin by stimulating its defense functions against UV rays.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Well-chosen cosmetics can give you a good boost in the fight against oxidative stress... but don't neglect your lifestyle! You can work miracles just by changing your little habits . Sleep at least 7 hours a night, limit alcohol consumption, ban tobacco, eat a balanced diet, give yourself regular moments of relaxation... and free radicals will just have to watch out!