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At what age should you start putting on anti-wrinkle cream?

Should we start applying an anti-wrinkle cream at the age of 20?

Generally, we say that you have to start taking care of your face around 30 years old. At this time of life, the tissues begin to relax and cell renewal decreases. But it is quite possible to apply an anti-wrinkle cream earlier. It is then a question of preventing the marks of time. However, it is essential to choose a treatment adapted to your skin type. Studies have shown that young girls mostly use creams intended for people over 40! Nor should one fall victim to the cult of beauty. If your skin is healthy, you don't need to put a ton of cream on your face ! If you are between 25 and 30 years old, turn to treatments containing hyaluronic acid. This miracle molecule effectively fills wrinkles. You can also try products based on fruit acids, which help stimulate collagen in the epidermis.

When should you take the plunge and adopt an anti-wrinkle cream?

There really isn't a rule on this. Be aware that it is not proven that the sooner you apply ananti-wrinkle cream , the more the skin remains supple and luminous. In addition, the genetic heritage is not innocent in our skin aging. Some 50-year-old women have a radiant face, while other younger ones are already marked. It is still advisable to pay particular attention to facial care around the age of 30. It has been proven that turning 30 is a milestone:the epidermis undergoes changes. It is during this period that the first expression lines and fine lines appear. They are not yet deep. It is then necessary to apply a special anti-wrinkle cream "first wrinkles", while keeping itsday cream usual. There are also effective serums to give a boost, to be applied as a course of several weeks. And don't forget your neck! He too knows the marks of time!

How to apply your anti-wrinkle cream after 40?

Around the age of 40, wrinkles usually become more pronounced, especially around the eyes, lips and neck. The epidermis is less elastic and the skin becomes dehydrated. The anti-wrinkle cream then becomes essential! It is important to apply it morning and evening . The serum is also a great ally. After 50 years, menopause comes to the fore, and the skin changes texture, pigment spots may appear. It is therefore necessary to favor a treatment specially designed for mature skin. In this way, you will be able to slow down the aging process of the cells. And don't forget that beautiful skin is above all synonymous with a healthy lifestyle !