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Skin:everything you need to start right away #2

Protect yourself from UV and infrared

Why is this important? UV and infrared are the main causes of DNA damage. Understand:they are responsible for premature aging. Worse:they speed it up. Exposing yourself without (enough) protection is to risk, from the age of 30, starting the process of loss of elasticity, sagging and having wrinkles, brown spots...

I'll get to it right away:adopt a sunscreen + an antiradical

We use an index 50 sunscreen daily. At worst, we find a treatment, a foundation or a "BB cream" that contains a filter (at least) SPF15. Casually, it protects against the harmful effects of the sun (which shines even in winter and in the city) and it screens out pollution, which is also responsible for skin aging. Regarding the fight against infrared, slip a super anti-oxidant serum under your moisturizer.

My allies:special for city cars:“pocket” screens.

Treat yourself to a beautiful skin peeling

Why is this important? Dark spots, first fine lines, poorly treated pimples (leaving scars that deepen and stretch with age)… Nothing is worse than an uneven complexion for aging.

I'll get started right away:dermatological resurfacing

Does the word sound barbaric? The process is not because it is a gentle peeling which resurfaces the superficial layer of the skin by mixing different acids (glycolic, salicylic, acetic, etc.) well dosed:it is painless and any redness, slight , only persist for 24 h. Result:acne sequelae fade in 3 sessions, the first fine lines are smoothed, pores are tightened and the complexion is evened out.

My allies:in-house maintenance with new skin kits.

Eat vitamins

Why is this important? We know the role of food on the skin. When we are deficient, we look bad. When there is a lack of antioxidants, the skin is less resistant to attacks (pollution, UV rays, stress, etc.), when there is a lack of fatty acids, it is dull and loses its suppleness, etc.

I'll get started right away:I Japaneseise my dishes

People on the island of Okinawa, Japan, have the longest life expectancy in the world. The reason ? Their food. We are therefore inspired by this:3 times a week, we eat fatty fish rich in omega 3 (tuna, salmon… raw or steamed); at each meal, raw vegetables and colorful vegetables loaded with antioxidants (peppers, tomatoes, etc.) steamed and still crunchy, to preserve the vitamins; rice (or quinoa) which replaces wheat, bulgur, buckwheat, spelled, loaded with gluten (=causes inflammation =accelerates ageing). Finally, we slow down on sugar, which makes you age, and instead, we bite into fresh fruit (outside or at the start of meals).

My allies:“beautiful skin” supplements.

Stop attacking your skin

Why is this important? The skin may be a resistant envelope, it is sensitive to all our daily gestures. If you mishandle it, stress it, grind it (rubbing, pinching, etc.), you risk "breaking" its precious collagen fibers, which guarantee its elasticity and plump appearance.

I'll get to it right away:we play the skin piano

When removing make-up and/or after a mask, gently stimulate the epidermis by tapping gently on the face with the pulp of the fingers. In the long run, this gesture energizes and firms the “cutaneous mattress”.

My allies:lifting massagers to roll over the face.