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Everything you need to know about the hydrolipidic film!

The hydrolipidic film is essential to the health of the skin. However, its operation is often misunderstood, which leads to inappropriate beauty routines and numerous skin problems. Veld's explains everything there is to know about this precious ally!

What is the hydrolipidic film?

To better understand the hydrolipidic film, let's explore the structure of the skin. Your skin is made up of several overlapping layers. The most superficial (i.e. the shallowest) is called the epidermis . It is itself made up of different layers, including the horny layer , which is the one located most on the surface. In other words, it's what you feel when you caress your skin.

But in reality, this stratum corneum is not really in contact with the external environment. Why ? Because it is covered with an invisible film thanks to which it can fulfill its function of "skin barrier":the hydrolipidic film . The latter is present throughout the body and is continually renewed to play its role correctly.

What are the main functions of the hydrolipidic film?

And besides, what is this famous hydrolipidic film for? It is simply essential for the good health of your skin. Its primary function is to maintain an acidic pH (located between 4.2 and 6.7) on the surface of the skin. Because no, your skin does not have a neutral pH! This acid mantle allows it to prevent the penetration of harmful microorganisms (pathogenic germs, microbes, bacteria and whatnot).

The hydrolipidic film is also essential in the prevention of dehydration. Low permeability, it helps to maintain an optimal level of hydration at the stratum corneum. To do this, it permanently manages the quantity of water which diffuses from the deep tissues to the surface of the skin, and that which evaporates there under the effect of atmospheric phenomena (heat, wind, etc.) . Quite a responsibility!

What is the composition of the hydrolipidic film of the skin?

As its name suggests, the hydrolipidic film of the skin is made up of water (hydro) and fat (lipid). The aqueous phase, responsible for the acid pH, comes mainly from the sweat evacuated by the pores and from the water which naturally rises from the deep layers of the skin. The oily phase, on the other hand, is linked to the sebum secreted by your small sebaceous glands and helps retain water.

The mixture of the two phases forms an emulsion with a fragile balance :age, inappropriate care or a deficient diet are all factors likely to upset its composition. And an unbalanced hydrolipidic film cannot do its job properly. This delicate alchemy also determines your skin type:an explosion of the oily phase gives oily skin, while a lack of lipids leads to dry skin.

How to preserve or restore the hydrolipidic film?

You will have understood:all the stakes to keep a beautiful skin will be to preserve the integrity of your hydrolipidic film. Not to damage it, in short, or even to help it recover if the damage has already been done. And that's good, cosmetics are (also) there for that!

Cleanser:a crucial choice

too aggressive foaming detergents are among the first responsible for a degradation of the hydrolipidic film. By "stripping" the skin, they deprive it of some of the precious lipids it needs to protect itself.

To prevent this phenomenon, opt instead for a cleansing oil:very gentle on the skin, it does not threaten its skin barrier.

Hydration:the essential boost

Moisturizing your skin on a daily basis is the key to many ailments. This gesture provides the hydrolipidic film with the water it needs to be effective. In fact, the challenge is not to hydrate stricto sensu… but rather to prevent dehydration .

The Age2O moisturizing cream is ideal for replenishing your moisturizing and anti-aging active ingredients. For already dehydrated skin, put the odds on your side by slipping a thirst-quenching serum under your cream. And once a week, or as soon as the need arises, treat yourself to a mask with hyaluronic acid!