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Everything you need to know about cell renewal in your skin

Cellular renewal, we have all heard of it at least once. But what is it exactly? And why is it so important to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin? Veld's explains everything you need to know about skin renewal and how to boost it very simply.

Cell renewal:definition

Cell renewal corresponds to the natural regeneration process of your skin . Although we tend to forget it, the skin is an organ in its own right (the only one located outside your body!) And as such, it performs a very specific function.

Indeed, your skin is a real protective envelope . It protects you from the intrusion of pathogenic micro-organisms, but also from various external aggressions (cold, pollution, UV rays, etc.). It is daily beset by disturbances that compromise the integrity of its role as a “shield”. To maintain optimal efficiency, it therefore regenerates continuously , fully autonomously.

How does skin renewal work?

You already know, thanks to our article on the structure and role of the skin, that the latter consists of several layers. In the case of cell renewal , it is above all the epidermis – the most superficial layer – which interests us.

Your epidermis is like a dense wall of four "story" whose "bricks" are cells:keratinocytes . They are responsible for the synthesis of an essential protein (keratin) and which are continuously renewed to preserve the functions of the skin. When some keratinocytes die and are eliminated, others are ready to replace them. Their life cycle begins at the base of your epidermis and ends on the surface of your skin.

  • Basal layer (level – 3, deep in the epidermis):keratinocytes form. They divide into two cells:one remains in the basal layer, while the other rises to the upper level.
  • Spiny layer (level – 2):as they move towards the upper layers, the keratinocytes begin to deform.
  • Granular layer (level – 1):the cells flatten further and gradually lose their nucleus. They become corneocytes.
  • Corneal layer / stratum corneum (level 0, on the surface of the epidermis):now extra-flat, the corneocytes clump together and form a very poorly permeable barrier against aggression. They end up detaching to make room for new cells, which in turn will detach. It's peeling.

Cell renewal:21 days, 28 days or more?

Skin renewal does not happen overnight. Between the birth of a cell and its migration to the stratum corneum, it takes on average one month , and up to 40 days for the most capricious epidermis. Keratinocytes actually spend very little time in the lower layers. It is in the stratum corneum that they stay the longest :about 14 days.

In a healthy epidermis , the quantity of cells eliminated on the surface is normally immediately compensated by the production of new keratinocytes in the same proportion. However, sometimes skin cell renewal is accelerated.

Under the influence of endogenous and/or exogenous factors, cells proliferate in excessive numbers . Result:dead cells do not have time to be eliminated and accumulate on the surface of the skin, where they form plaques. This phenomenon is the cause of the famous peeling skin and various skin conditions, such as psoriasis.

In concrete terms, what does cell renewal do for my skin?

Cellular renewal is essential for maintaining an integrated and effective barrier function . And of course, this good health of your skin has a direct impact on its beauty! Skin with a "normal" renewal rate is luminous and plump . Conversely, the slowdown in skin cell renewal generates several aesthetic inconveniences.

  • A dull and rough complexion:dead cells that have trouble shedding remain on the surface, where they form like a film that thickens your skin and blurs the natural radiance of your complexion.
  • Early signs of aging:when the cells of the stratum corneum lose cohesion, they are no longer able to effectively regulate the evaporation of water that rises from your dermis to your epidermis. The progressive dehydration of your skin leads to the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Our beauty tips to boost skin renewal

The rate of skin cell renewal naturally slows with age. This is why we advise you to adopt some reflexes from the age of 25 to boost the turnover of your cells and maintain beautiful skin for longer.

A scrub for a new skin

Exfoliating once a week is the best way to boost cell renewal . Exfoliation of the face can indeed accelerate the desquamation process. It takes off the dead cells that accumulate on the skin and, in fact, encourages your epidermis to produce new ones.

Tip:after exfoliation, do not forget to apply a moisturizing and repairing treatment , like the Pure Pulp Neo. Baby skin effect guaranteed!

Good massages to stimulate my skin

Do you know the anti-aging massage? If not, it's high time to integrate it into your routine! Its benefits on blood and lymphatic microcirculation are proven. In addition to energizing the cell renewal of the skin, it acts on its firmness by boosting the synthesis of collagen .

During your ritual, do not neglect the eye contour area , which is the first to mark aging. Just be careful not to “crease” your skin. Our Eye Magic promises you a very gentle and effortless massage thanks to its tip in the shape of a large flat brush. Smart!

Cell renewal and nutrition

Yes, we are (largely) what we eat. Unsurprisingly, cell renewal and nourishment are therefore closely related. Also, do not hesitate to encourage the renewal of your skin from the inside by adapting the content of your plate.

To do this, choose foods rich in vitamin A . You will find it mainly in ingredients of animal origin (eggs, cheese, offal). At the same time, get your hands on beta-carotene , precursor of this same vitamin, abundant in orange fruits and vegetables.