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Skin:everything you need to start right away #1

Have fun

Why is this important? A sad and tense face, it gives, ten years in the teeth. Knowing how to appreciate every moment is good for morale and… for the complexion. The reason ? As soon as we experience happiness or pleasure, the brain secretes endorphins:these “well-being” molecules have a direct impact on the dermis, helping it to create new cells. From there to say that love and happiness are anti-wrinkle tops, there is only one step... That we cross cheerfully!

I'll get to it right away:making love

Scientists have shown that orgasm tones the arteries, boosts neurotransmitters, strengthens immune defences, oxygenates cells and stimulates our production of estrogen, hormones essential for skin hydration and elasticity. No lover? Smile, treat yourself, be positive, hang out with people who make you feel good:it works (also) very well.

Hydrate every day

Why is this important? Poorly or insufficiently hydrated skin ages faster. Normal, if it lacks water or if the skin barrier is not "tight" enough, it dehydrates, shrivels up and is no longer sufficiently protected from external attacks.

I'll get to it right away:apply a cream with hyaluronic acid

Active "star" of cosmetics and key component of the skin, hyaluronic acid gives a plump, youthful and plump appearance. However, its rate decreases with age. We focus on prevention by adopting it on a daily basis through care. Bonus:it effectively delays the appearance of wrinkles And it acts instantly:the furrows are filled in, the skin fresh and smoothed.

My allies:plumping treatments.

Targeting the gaze

Why is this important? With 22 muscles and 1,000 eye blinks per day, the eyes are the most expressive area of ​​the face. So, the one that creases and tires the fastest. Result:expression lines, but also puffiness and dark circles... which make us take ten years (even when we are 25).

I'll get to it right away:upset his expression lines

When we apply a treatment, we do a mini-gym that smooths the furrows:with the index finger, we caress the contour of the eye starting from the top of the cheekbone towards the inner hollow of the eye. The idea is to smooth, not in the direction of the furrows, but perpendicularly, to "force" them to relax.

My allies:concealer, anti-puffiness, anti-wrinkle care.