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Everything you need to do at 30 to avoid a facelift at 50

Treat yourself to a beautiful skin peeling

Why is this important? Brown spots, first fine lines, poorly treated pimples (leaving scars that deepen and stretch with age)... Nothing is worse than an uneven complexion for aging.

I'll get started right away:dermatological resurfacing

Does the word sound barbaric? The process is not. It is a gentle peeling that resurfaces the superficial layer of the skin by mixing different acids (glycolic, salicylic, acetic, etc.) perfectly dosed:it is painless and the redness, light, lasts only 24 hours. Result:acne sequelae fade in 3 sessions, the first wrinkles are smoothed and the complexion is evened out.

I do it where? At the dermatologist

Have fun

Why is this important? A sad and tense face? And hop ! 10 years in the teeth. Being happy in the present moment, knowing how to appreciate every moment, is good for morale and... for the complexion. The reason ? As soon as we experience happiness or pleasure, the brain secretes endorphins:these “well-being” molecules have a direct impact on the dermis, helping it to create new cells. From there to say that love and happiness are anti-wrinkle tops, there is only one step... That we cross cheerfully!

I'll get to it right away:make love!

Scientists have shown that orgasm tones the arteries, boosts neurotransmitters, strengthens immune defenses, oxygenates cells and stimulates our production of estrogen, hormones essential for skin hydration and elasticity. No lover? Smile, treat yourself, be positive, hang out with people who make you feel good:it works (also) very well.

At what age should you invest in a first anti-wrinkle cream?

It is on average around 30-35 years old that the need for "targeted" care is felt, when cell regeneration begins to slow down and wrinkles hit the encrust. We start with a treatment based on “muscular” active ingredients (peptides, vitamins, etc.) which helps to reboost elasticity, while preventing the furrows from widening. Before buying a complete line, you can already invest in a concentrated serum:it boosts your moisturizer (and it shows).