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I have peeling skin:what should I do?

Here is a question we all ask ourselves at least once a year:I have peeling skin, what should I do? Flaking is the star inconvenience of the summer and, although it is benign in the majority of cases, it is nonetheless bothersome and unsightly. We explain to you how to find (and maintain) pretty smooth skin in all seasons!

What is peeling skin and how do you recognize it?

Peeling skin gives the unpleasant impression of going to pieces - And that's the case ! It is easily recognized by the whitish peels which multiply under friction on the surface of the skin and tear off easily if you pull on them (be careful, this maneuver is strictly not recommended!) Skin subject to this phenomenon is also often itchy skin.

These small pieces that come off actually correspond to dead skin, and more precisely to lamellae of the most superficial layer of the epidermis (called "horny layer", for the intimate). They have the sweet name of "dander and are quite naturally associated with the phenomenon of "desquamation .

Why do I have peeling skin?

Flaking of the skin is most often seen in dry and dehydrated skin that are not properly maintained. But the most common cause of peeling skin on the face or body remains severe aggression :the skin must then accelerate its cell renewal cycle to continue to fulfill its role normally.

The most common example is sunburn :Cells on the surface of the skin are literally burned by ultraviolet rays – and die prematurely. Other more isolated cases are likely to accelerate natural desquamation :a shower that is too hot, an allergy, a tendency to psoriasis, etc.

Scaling and peeling skin:what to do?

Flaky skin on the face should be gently cleansed!

Even in case of peeling of the face, we do not lose good habits and we continue to cleanse our skin daily. On the other hand, it is crucial to adapt your cleaning products to the test that your skin goes through.

No more scrubs :they certainly eliminate dead skin, but are totally unsuitable for peeling skin. Same story for foaming products, aggressive because of their surfactants. Instead, opt for a cleansing oil, which will purify your skin without making it worse. Rinse it with lukewarm water , especially not hot.

Hydrate thoroughly to limit flaking

There is no secret:to boost the healing of peeling skin , nothing like a good dose of hydration. It starts from the inside, with sufficient consumption of mineral water (at least 2 L per day, and more if you can), fresh vegetables and fruits.

For a shock treatment, be sure to apply a rich moisturizer several times a day to the peeling areas . The Age 2O cream will help you quickly regain comfort and softness. In addition, its ultra-refreshing gel texture is perfect for soothing sunburn on the face.

Avoid skin peeling with sun protection

Skin peeling and tanning are intimately linked . The skin reacts to the aggression it has suffered from the sun (sunburn) by darkening its skin texture so that it can better withstand the sun's rays:tanning is never more than a reaction of defense . You have to wait for the burnt skin to disintegrate to see its pretty tanned complexion appear underneath – like a moult!

Remember that the effects of the sun are the enemy number one of youth capital of your skin. So to tan without peeling, we don't skimp on the anti-UV filters before and during sun exposure. And because prevention is better than cure, we're getting our hands on after-sun lotions to calm burning sensations and prevent loss of hydration.