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What makeup to choose when you have oily skin?

What makeup to choose when you have oily skin? Makeup that does not adhere, foundation that runs... Oily skin and makeup do not often not a good household. Fortunately, this problem is not without solution. With well-adapted products, you can find a dream complexion in just a few gestures.

Shine is the main problem of oily skin. It usually appears on the T-zone of the face (forehead, nose and chin). It is mainly this shine that makeup corrects, but you still have to choose the right beauty products.

Care adapted to skin types

Beauty products must be adapted to the type of skin. For oily skin, choose cosmetics that do not clog the pores of the face. In order for make-up to adhere smoothly and not to suffocate the skin, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. Excess sebum is removed with gentle cleansing that does not irritate the skin.

We also think of the clay mask to do once a week to purify the skin in depth. Before any make-up gesture, it is important to apply a moisturizer to the face.

Foundation, the number one ally for oily skin

Foundation is the essential ally to mask shine. It gives the face a fresh and matte complexion but it should not be abused. We recommend first applying a foundation primer to the face. Indeed, the foundation does not set well on oily skin. The primer helps make-up stay on, evens out the skin and makes imperfections disappear.

We then choose a fluid or mineral foundation because if it is too thick, like creams, it tends to smother the skin. As the foundation already conceals imperfections, the foundation can be applied very lightly. Avoid multiple layers.

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Cosmetics that respect the skin

We now move on to eye makeup. Keeping eyeshadow on oily skin is a pain. So that the sebum does not make the shadow disappear, first apply an eyeshadow base. This usually comes in the form of a cream and plays the same role as the foundation. All that remains is to play with the eye shadows as you wish.

We do not forget the blush to perfect the makeup. We choose mineral or organic to respect the skin. Creams should be avoided, as they do not allow the skin to breathe. In general, cosmetics that contain aggressive products for the skin are to be avoided.

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