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Can you exfoliate when you have sensitive skin?

Ultra-effective, the scrub is the ideal treatment for restoring clear skin and a luminous complexion . What are the benefits of exfoliation ? A true star of natural cosmetics, it deeply cleanses the epidermis, promotes cell renewal and stimulates microcirculation. However, some products may be too harsh for reactive skin  ! What are the different types of scrub? Grain, enzymatic or chemical, there are several types of exfoliants. Which scrub to choose when you have sensitive skin ? Discover all our tips for taking care of fragile skin.

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The benefits of facial scrubs

Can you exfoliate when you have sensitive skin?

What is exfoliation?

Exfoliation is a treatment that is characterized by a particular texture. In practice, it contains exfoliating microbeads or chemical or enzymatic active ingredients which cleanses the epidermis in depth. There are different types of scrubs, namely:

  • grain scrub :formulated with microbeads, it has a mechanical action;
  • enzymatic scrub :ideal for sensitive skin, it contains AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), obtained from fruit sugars;
  • chemical scrub :acid-based compound, it deeply purifies the skin.

If these cosmetics differ in terms of their composition, their effectiveness remains similar. However, to make the most of the benefits of exfoliation , it is essential to select it according to your skin type .

What are the natural effects of exfoliation?

Exfoliation is a treatment that acts on several levels. Thanks to its texture and its cleaning agents , it purifies the skin. In practice, it unclogs deep pores and eliminates excess sebum and impurities related to pollution, dust or make-up. It reduces the risk of appearance of imperfections and limits the formation of acne. At the same time, it promotes cell renewal and facilitates the removal of dead skin. By improving the assimilation of treatments, it boosts their effectiveness!

Finally, the scrub stimulates blood circulation thanks to the circular movements made to apply it. Thus, the nutrients essential to the health of the epidermis are better routed. Full of vitality, the skin is clean and clear, and the complexion is fresher.

Dry or sensitive skin:which facial scrub to choose?

Can you exfoliate when you have sensitive skin?

Face and body:grain or mechanical exfoliation not recommended

This is one of the most popular exfoliating treatments on the market:the grain scrub . Its composition based on microbeads or small grains has a mechanical action that cleanses the epidermis. In the case of organic cosmetics, it can be fruit pulp, crushed shells, coffee grounds, etc. This type of scrub can be applied to the body as well as to the face. Note that the grain size varies from product to product. A large grit will be more abrasive, while a fine grit will have a softer action. To enjoy the benefits of the scrub, it is necessary to apply it using small circular movements. The grain scrub is suitable for combination or oily skin. However, it is not recommended for people with sensitive skin due to its abrasive action.

Can you exfoliate when you have sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin scrub:enzymatic exfoliation

The effectiveness of the enzymatic scrub is based on its composition enriched with vegetable acids . Also known as AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids ), these elements are synthesized from fruit sugars . This type of care does not contain grains or microbeads. On the other hand, it has a targeted action that eliminates dead cells and gently cleanses the epidermis. Generally, it is used in the form of masks or peeling . Applied for a few minutes on the face, it is just as effective as conventional exfoliants. The enzymatic scrub is particularly suitable for sensitive, dry or irritated skin! However, be sure to respect the exposure time at the risk of causing redness.

Discover our selection of scrubs for sensitive skin:

Chemical scrub for combination skin

The chemical scrub has an action similar to the enzymatic scrub. However, exfoliating agents entering into its composition differ. Indeed, they contain acids obtained from fruits or synthesized through a chemical reaction. It can be glycolic acid, lactic acid or salicylic acid. These elements have different properties, to be selected according to your skin type:

  • glycolic acid :ultra effective against dead skin, it promotes cell renewal and brings light to dull and tired complexions. Thanks to its anti-aging action, it is suitable for mature skin;
  • lactic acid :this component is a powerful anti-aging agent that slows down the appearance of signs of aging and stimulates blood circulation. It is suitable for all skin types;
  • salicylic acid :widely used in the world of cosmetics, it has exfoliating, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Soothing, it is suitable for sensitive, oily or acne-prone skin.

Can you exfoliate when you have sensitive skin?

How to properly exfoliate your face?

The right frequency to exfoliate your face

Exfoliation is a treatment to be performed once or twice a week . It can also be done before applying a specific serum to maximize its effects or before hair removal for optimal results. However, it can tend to dry out the skin. Thus, it is essential to apply a moisturizing cream right after your exfoliating treatment. Finally, a higher frequency increases the risk of irritation and redness for the most sensitive skin.

Good gestures for a gentle exfoliation

To be effective, an exfoliation is performed on clean skin without make-up . If it contains grains or microbeads, the ideal is to moisten your skin before exfoliating it using small circular movements. Thus, you eliminate dead skin while stimulating blood circulation. The objective is not to strip the epidermis, opt for slow and gentle gestures . Regarding enzymatic or chemical scrubs, the instructions for use vary from one product to another. For masks or peels, be sure to respect the exposure time!

After exfoliation, be sure to moisturize your skin properly! If you have combination to oily skin, use a fluid texture instead. If your skin is rather dry, we advise you to opt for a rich cream. Find our selection of moisturizing creams for sensitive skin:

Exfoliation is an essential gesture to maintain a clean and clear skin . Performed regularly, it eliminates impurities, promotes cell renewal and stimulates microcirculation. While there are different types of exfoliators, not all of them are suitable for sensitive skin. To limit the risk of redness or irritation, it is best to opt for the enzymatic scrub . Gentle and natural, it deeply purifies the skin while respecting the health of the epidermis!

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