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How to remove blackheads on the nose?

Like pimples, blackheads can bother people who are prone to them. Hidden in the pores of the skin, they are found mainly on the T-zone of the face , that is, on the forehead, nose and chin. Blackheads can have several causes of appearance but, rest assured, they are not definitive! Moreover, no need to use a "blackhead vacuum cleaner" to get rid of it since there are plenty of natural solutions to do so.

Today, we explain to you how to remove blackheads on the nose and on the rest of the face ! We also deliver our little natural anti-blackhead tips .

Why do I have blackheads?

Blackheads, also called open comedones, usually form on the T-zone of the face (forehead, nose, chin) but in some people they can be all over the body. A blackhead always appears in a hair canal , i.e. where your hair grows. But then concretely, how are blackheads formed?

Well, you may not know it but throughout the day your skin cleans itself. For this, it evacuates its dead cells by desquamation! Only then, it happens that these dead cells do not evacuate properly due to an overproduction of sebum. This increased production of sebum is due to hormonal changes or the use of beauty products that are not suitable for the type or sensitivity of the skin. The pores are then clogged with dead cells . In contact with air, these dead cells will oxidize and then turn black, this is where the blackhead appears!

If these blackheads are left behind, they can develop into whiteheads or acne pimples . Same, if you tend to pierce them or touch them regularly, they can also become whiteheads or acne pimples. The best way to eliminate blackheads is to use natural products or tips and be patient!

How to remove blackheads on the nose?

Blackheads can appear for several reasons:

  • hormonal factors (puberty, pill, time of cycle, menopause, pregnancy, etc.) which tend to activate the sebaceous glands and therefore the production of sebum,
  • the use of cosmetics which are too harsh on the skin or which are considered comedogenic cosmetics (these cosmetics may or may not be organic, it is above all the ingredients that count),
  • poor lifestyle (diet, personal hygiene, etc.).

In short, blackheads are generally caused by factors that lead to increased sebum production. Moreover, even if all skin types can have blackheads , it is still more common to see them on combination to oily skin!

How to permanently get rid of blackheads without leaving traces?

First,you never pierce your blackheads with your fingers ! Crushing your skin will only make the situation worse since you risk adding germs to the blackheads already present on your skin. The best way to eliminate blackheads is to purify your skin with natural ingredients and clean it thoroughly.

What treatments or products against blackheads?

Among the most recommended treatments to eliminate blackheads, we find purifying face masks. Often formulated with small exfoliating grains, these masks will deeply cleanse the skin thanks to natural active ingredients. Tea tree essential oil, green tea, charcoal, green clay, ghassoul or even fruit acids are all ingredients that will help cleanse the skin without over-stimulating it. They are perfect for removing dirt embedded in pores and therefore dislodging blackheads !

You can also choose to cleanse your face with a konjac charcoal sponge. The latter will destroy the bacteria present on the surface of the skin in order to avoid the formation of blackheads and pimples! It cleanses the skin in depth on its own and also guarantees an improvement in skin micro-circulation. It's the perfect combo!

Finally, if the urge to dislodge your blackheads is stronger than anything, consider using a comedone remover ! It is the perfect accessory to eliminate blackheads in a hygienic, effective and streak-free way. Before and after each use, remember to disinfect it to prevent the spread of bacteria. Ideally, use this blackhead extractor on clean skin.

Natural solutions and tips to eliminate blackheads

It is also possible to use natural blackhead tips to dislodge them ! For example, you can make a facial sauna to open your pores before performing a treatment. To do this, simply boil water, place it in a bowl and put your head above it for a few minutes. A bit like an inhalation! After opening your pores, you can perform homemade treatments to fight against blackheads.

Here are some simple ideas with kitchen ingredients:

  • using a toothbrush and lemon juice, you can rub your T-zone to purify it,
  • place pieces of tomato on your face for about twenty minutes then rinse your skin, the active ingredients in the tomato will dislodge blackheads,
  • take advantage of the anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric by making a mask with a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of turmeric, leave on for 10 minutes then rinse,
  • exfoliate your skin with fine sugar, honey and a drop of thyme essential oil (antiseptic),
  • make a mask with egg white and lemon to tighten your pores.

After each of these minute treatments, remember to rinse your skin well and then apply a moisturizer.

How to remove blackheads on the nose?

How to avoid getting blackheads and pimples?

To avoid getting blackheads , you just have to find a skincare routine that suits your skin type and stick to it. The more beauty products you use that match your skin type, the healthier your skin will be! Of course, apart from a skincare routine that suits you, you can also turn to natural products which will respect more your epidermis and its balance. The ingredients of organic products are gentler on the skin:no harsh surfactants, no petroleum derivatives that clog pores and no irritating synthetic fragrances or dyes!

Know that as soon as your skin feels attacked (by external elements or cosmetics) it sets up its favorite defense system. The latter consists of activating the sebaceous glands to send sebum to the surface of the skin to create a protective layer ! Race results? The pores are dilated and clogged, the skin is shiny and oily... We could do without it, right?

How to remove blackheads on the nose?

Whether you are a man or a woman, your beauty routine must imperatively consist of:

  • a make-up remover (oil, micellar water, lotion, etc.),
  • a facial cleanser,
  • a tonic or floral water to remove traces of limescale,
  • a moisturizer,
  • targeted treatments, for example anti-blemish treatments if you are prone to skin problems,
  • more specific treatments such as masks or scrubs.

Every morning and every evening, the skin should be cleansed and moisturized . Cleaning is especially very important in the evening to remove dirt and dead cells accumulated during the day. As for hydration, it is just as important since it is what protects the skin! The better your skin is hydrated, the less it is subject to external aggressions since its skin barrier is infallible. Dirt and pollution will therefore not disturb your skin balance and cause you harm! Then, once or twice a week, depending on your needs, you can do a scrub or a mask to accentuate the cleansing of your skin.

You now know all the do's and don'ts to get rid of blackheads! If despite your efforts you are unable to have beautiful skin without blackheads, you can always make an appointment with a dermatologist. Also know that doing a facial treatment at a beautician has never hurt anyone! For even more pleasure and efficiency, try to find a beautician who uses organic treatments . :)