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Pimple on the nose:9 things to do to remove it quickly!

Everything was going relatively well until tonight and this pimple that has just suddenly hatched on your nose, yes your nose, this appendage in the middle of the face impossible to hide. The night will not have time to bring advice, you have to act quickly. Here are some tips to get rid of this cursed spot. Obviously, since this is an emergency, we won't blame you for trying them all.

Button on the nose:first we clean!

With a foaming gel, preferably soft. Then if possible place your head covered with a towel over a steam bath, to open and purify the pores. If you have a bathtub, immerse yourself, the steam from the hot water will act on your button and at the same time you will relax, finally if possible.

Is it okay? Now for the cold.

Take an ice cube and pass it gently over this damn button; the sebaceous glands will retract and thus relieve inflammation by reducing swelling.

But it is there, again and again, redder than ever?

So now on to the remedies of our beloved grandmothers!

Salt water: mix a lot of sea salt with a little water then soak a cotton ball and apply the damaged area. The salt won't do the trick and will dry it out.

Lemon juice: a few drops on a cotton ball and dab the bruised area. Stop, we can already see you putting your nose squarely in it.

Toothpaste: only if it is white! Apply a tip to the pimple and let it dry overnight; you are in a relationship ? He will understand ! Anyway, we don't give him a choice.

Tea Tree essential oil: with a cotton swab, apply two drops morning and evening on your pimple, if it is small, it could disappear overnight.

Crushed aspirin: the salicylic acid contained in aspirin will help eliminate dead skin and clear clogged pores. This will dry out the area quite drastically. So grind an aspirin tablet, mix all this with a little water, you will get a small paste and put it on your pimple and let it act.

The radical method? Alcohol at 90 !

The day is dawning and you too, the pimple is no longer the filth of the day before. He is still there but less threatening than yesterday. All you have to do is apply a touch of high-coverage concealer or corrector and finish with a hint of setting powder. Wow!