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Banana:9 benefits for our skin and hair! (“Hyper effective, economical and 100% natural!”)

A healthy, natural beauty routine at a very (very) low cost, it's tempting, isn't it? Even more so if it turns out to be extremely effective. Do not throw any more, this is possible thanks to the banana. A magic fruit which in addition to being soft and easy to transport, is revealed by its very high nutritional density , a fabulous source of energy for the body. The same goes for slimming, where the banana is perfect as part of a slimming diet because it is rich in fiber, minerals, resistant starch :it is therefore very satiating and allows you not to crack on calorie bombs.

The banana, the natural beauty ally par excellence!

But there does not end the true qualities of this multifunctional fruit. Rich in potassium and vitamins A, B, C, the banana is - through its natural moisturizing properties and its rich minerals that firm the skin - a true friend of our epidermis. Banana peel, for example, helps to fight against premature aging of the skin, while banana puree (applied as a mask) is one of the best natural treatments for obtaining silky, smooth and shiny hair. You will understand, a simple banana will really add value to your beauty routine and give you magical results.