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Beauty:focus on honey and its incredible benefits for skin and hair!

Formerly known as "nectar of the gods" , honey has made a place for itself in our lives! It must be said that its delicate taste perfectly sweetens our herbal teas and other infusions. However, he can leave the kitchen to invite himself to the bathroom, where his many virtues make all the difference on skin and hair . Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, mature or even acne-prone skin, it doesn't matter, it's perfect for you!

What are the benefits of honey?

As a scrub, honey will help you remove dead skin . On the lips, it provides maximum hydration, while as a mask, it soothes the skin... In the same way, it acts with a master hand on localized acne, dry hair or even tired skin. .

To make an hair mask with honey , mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and an egg yolk. Leave on for 12 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.