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Morning beauty routine and evening ritual:their benefits

Taking care of your skin and displaying a radiant complexion sometimes takes a little work. And yet, between meetings, alarm clocks and fatigue after work, taking time for yourself is not always easy. Veld's offers you a morning beauty routine and an evening beauty ritual to regain clear and fresh skin in just a few days!

What are the differences between a morning beauty routine and an evening beauty routine?

Whether waking up or going to bed, the skin does not have the same needs. In the morning, always favor freshness and softness to wake up your skin . To activate blood circulation , a quick facial massage is enough to look good and eliminate signs of fatigue.

Finally, once the skin is awake, it needs to be hydrated to protect itself from the aggressions it will undergo during the day.

In the evening, only one watchword:cleaning. As the skin regenerates overnight , it is essential to get rid of makeup and all the impurities accumulated during the day. As the epidermis is more permeable at night, it is also the time to soothe and care for your skin with specific care.

The morning beauty routine for beautiful and healthy skin

Gentle cleansing

To gently wake up the skin, forget overly aggressive cleansers:settle for a gentle lotion or floral water. Ideal for eliminating impurities and sebum produced overnight, they preserve the hydrolipidic film and do not dry out the skin. This simple reflex helps you find clear and fresh skin to look beautiful when you jump out of bed!

Targeted care for your needs

Before applying your moisturizer, always start by applying a serum for targeted action. Gently apply it with your fingertips all over the face or just on problem areas. Let the treatment penetrate well before applying your moisturizer.

Finally, don't forget to apply an eye contour care :there is no better way to blur dark circles and wake up the eyes!

Good hydration

The step not to be missed under any circumstances:the application of the day cream . Between pollution, tobacco, UV rays and stress, the epidermis is constantly attacked during the day.

To effectively protect itself from all these attacks, the hydrolipidic film needs a regular supply of water and lipids . In the morning, to avoid the risk of shine, you can apply a lighter cream than your night cream.

Take advantage of this moment to treat yourself to a small facial massage . Choose between circular movements on the cheeks or smoothing from the bottom up with the palms of the hands. Otherwise, make small quick pinches on your face. Blood circulation and cells are stimulated and the skin is radiant as soon as you wake up!

If you want to save time in your beauty routine, try our Pure Pulp Glow healthy glow treatment. Both make-up and moisturizer , it nourishes the skin, reduces wrinkles and unifies your complexion. Your skin is hydrated and radiant in just a few minutes!

An even complexion for a healthy glow

One of the last tricks to be beautiful in the morning:makeup. To finalize your morning routine, our tinted cream is ideal. It blurs the last traces of fatigue and small imperfections. In a single gesture, your skin is hydrated and made up! Its little extra? It protects your skin UV rays and skin ageing.

All you need to do is apply a touch of mascara and lipstick to illuminate your face. Here you are, ready to go to work after a quick and effective beauty routine!

The evening beauty ritual

Effective make-up removal

Even tired, or after a long evening, avoid going to bed without removing your make-up. During your sleep, cellular regeneration start. By keeping makeup on, the pores are clogged and the skin cannot breathe properly. As soon as you wake up, it's disaster:dull complexion, imperfections, more marked wrinkles and fine lines...

To remove all traces of make-up and residue accumulated during the day, a make-up remover oil is perfect. Result:clear and clean skin!

Cleansing to perfect make-up removal

Simple make-up removal is not enough to deeply clean the skin . Remember to always use a cleanser after removing your make-up.

Otherwise, find what suits you best:gel, foam, lotion, oil… Then, rinsing with clear water is enough. You can finish with a thermal water spray to remove limescale residue and soothe your skin.

Treat and correct specific problems

Is your skin perfectly cleansed and purified? It's time to apply your serum! There are many serums to treat all the little concerns of your skin:

  • A moisturizing serum to nourish dry skin
  • A purifying serum to fight blemishes
  • A mattifying serum to treat oily skin
  • An anti-aging lifting serum to firm the skin and reduce fine lines

Also think about the eye and lip contour:these sensitive areas need to be protected and nourished to prevent expression lines.

Pamper your skin with a moment for yourself

Your evening face beauty routine is coming to an end, you can now pamper yourself! For hydration, opt for richer treatments to regenerate the skin. For example, our Age Commando Anti-Wrinkle Face Balm is ideal for the evening:it nourishes the skin, tones the face and fills in wrinkles.

Applied in thick layers, you can also use it as a mask:leave on for fifteen minutes to enjoy visible results quickly! For more effectiveness, apply this mask twice a week as part of your evening ritual:your skin will be plumped up!

City dwellers particularly exposed to pollution can instead turn to an anti-pollution mask. To be applied once a week in addition to the usual routine, it absorbs pollution residues and refines the skin texture.