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Morning and evening "pretty skin" gestures

Gestures that save the morning

A glance in the mirror and… catastrophe! My eyes are puffy, a wrinkle has settled on my cheek, my skin is tight and my complexion is pale. In 20 minutes flat (breakfast included), here's what you can do:
1/ Take an eye contour gel placed the day before in the refrigerator. Apply a small amount all over the eye area. Drink a glass of hot water. No eye care on hand? Use an ice cube wrapped in a thin cloth. Pass it on the eyelids, upper and lower, and why not all over the face. 2 minutes
2/ Apply a super moisturizing mask to the cleansed face. 1 minute
3/ Open the window and take 3 deep breaths while closing your eyes. 1 minute
4/ Prepare your breakfast and eat it seated, quietly. 10 minutes
5/ Carefully remove the face mask. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, place the weight of your head in the palms of your hands to ensure the deflation of the eyelids. 2 minutes
6/ Apply a tensor serum by pressing with the palms of the hands from the inside outwards to refresh the features and prepare the skin for make-up. 1 minute
7/ Apply a comfortable day cream. 1 minute
8/ Wear light makeup. A fair complexion always looks younger and less marked. If needed, boost the shine with blush. 2 minutes
There you go, all you have to do is get dressed, preferably opting for color to illuminate and energize the silhouette.

Gestures that save the evening

A last minute invitation? Yes, but how to camouflage the traces of fatigue of the day?

Still at work:take out your make-up bag and find a light intense enough to adjust your makeup.
– Put a few touches of concealer, placed in a "comma" in the inner corner of the eyes and pat gently.
– Conceal uneven skin tone (redness, pimples, spots, etc.) by patting on concealer for a blended effect.
– Powder to set.
– Enhance your complexion with blush (or a dab of lipstick if you don't have blush).
– Apply your lipstick.

At home:take the opportunity to get a quick makeover!
– Apply lotion to the face.
– Apply a super-hydrating beauty mask.
– Apply make-up while playing on radiance (concealer to camouflage, a bit of foundation, powder to set and blush to revive the complexion).

Excerpt from Doctor, I want to be the prettiest! by Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarins, Marabout editions, €10.