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Shower:morning or evening, which is better for the skin?

We all have our little habits when it comes to showering:some are in the morning, others in the evening… After all, the main thing is to be clean, right? (Even if we know that showering every day is not essential) But from the point of view of our skin, is there a difference in washing in the morning or in the evening? A study by YouGov and the Foreo brand, conducted by dermatologist Dr. Simon Zokai and reported by Metro UK , answers the question:it's better for the skin to shower before bed.

The reason ? By going to bed "dirty", we allow time for bacteria, toxins and other germs to settle on the skin and in the pores. Along the way, we also get rid of potential allergens that we would bring in our sheets. It also gives the skin time to absorb a moisturizer (which is more complicated when you run in the morning and get dressed quickly).

A matter of choice

Of course, this answer is only valid from the point of view of the skin. If we are used to practicing a sporting activity in the morning, it is more practical to shower in the morning, or even, if the shower helps us to wake up, it is better to take it in the morning. Conversely, if we play sports in the evening or the shower helps us relax, then again, the evening is the most advisable.

Showering twice a day is not recommended, not only because you risk weakening the skin barrier, but also because you use too much water. In all cases, of course, we use products that are gentle on the epidermis (surgras if you have dry skin) and moisturize the epidermis after showering.

So, evening or morning, in the end, it only depends on us and our desires!