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Beauty of the hands:this gesture to do absolutely before going to bed

Our lives are now masked and "hydroalcoholized" and it is a fact, by dint of washing our hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel, the latter are damaged, dried out, cracked; what was sweet before this cursed epidemic is no longer so. And then the Ice Saints arrive, a meteorological phenomenon quick to attack them a little more than they already are.

Thus, at the end of these long days, one is left with clearly worn hands; an obviously relative observation when we think of the hands of our caregivers who have to wash them about fifteen times an hour.

Avocado or jojoba oil

So what to do? Unfortunately, there is no alternative or miracle cure. But the best thing, as dermatologist Isabelle Rousseau pointed out at the microphone of Europe 1, is to be generous on the moisturizer before going to bed:"It's good to put on a cream a little mask on the hands, so that they rest and rehydrate at night » , she said.

We will preferably opt for avocado oil or that of jojoba with a highly nutritious composition because it is rich in fatty acids; therefore adequate to nourish the epidermis of our hands, which we know to be very fine and therefore naturally not very protective.