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10 beauty rest tips for the evening before your wedding

After months of planning your wedding, when the night before comes, it can feel surreal. Tomorrow is not just any day; it's your wedding! And amid all the details bouncing through your mind, chances are you might be having some trouble falling asleep. And we don't blame you, you're about to have the best day of your life, and that deserves some beauty sleep. Follow our beauty rest tips for the night before your wedding and wake up refreshed and ready to party!

Avoid alcohol
While there will likely be wine at your rehearsal dinner, it's best to skip the alcohol the night before the big day. Your digestion doesn't start breaking down the alcohol until early in the morning, giving you a deep beauty sleep and drying out your skin. Do you want dull skin and puffy eyes in the morning? No!

Eat early
While it may seem early to schedule your rehearsal dinner around 4:30-5:00pm, it's best to dine and socialize early in the evening so you have plenty of time to wind down . By bedtime, you should no longer have the celebrations with family and friends and relax enough to sleep. If your friends want to party all night, let them do it. You need your beauty sleep.

Relax with your husband-to-be
Instead of partying all night before your wedding, doesn't it sound even better to just lay back and relax with your husband-to-be? The two of you can snuggle in, turn off the lights and have some quiet time together before the excitement kicks in.

Train early in the day Plan to wake up the morning before your big day and go for a run, walk or bike ride to relieve some stress, calm your nerves and boost your endorphins for some much-needed energy for the rest of the day. Exercising will keep you energized for any last-minute errands, and it will help you feel more rested at night.

Skip the caffeine
Okay, so if you must have coffee the day before the wedding, drink it early in the morning so it can't possibly do anything to keep your brain awake at night. You already think about the details of the wedding when you go to sleep, and coffee should be no other reason why you are nervous.

No more marriage talk!
After a certain time on the day before your wedding, designate a time frame to stop talking about the wedding. After the scheduled time in the evening, ask friends and family not to discuss any details about the ceremony or reception with you. It can keep you up at night if you think about details at the last minute.

Schedule the schedule
If you're planning what to do the week of the wedding, make sure to plan errands and activities early the day before the wedding. You will appreciate getting things done early and not having to prepare and stress until the last minute.

Don't stare at screens
Staring at the blue glow of a phone or computer right before bed will fool your brain into thinking it's not nighttime and stay wired. So you can imagine how staring at your phone to send last minute emails or text messages or clicking on last minute ideas through Pinterest can disrupt your sleep. Put the technology away for a while and give your brain enough time to switch off.

Enjoy a warm bath
There's nothing like a warm bath to calm your nerves and unwind after a busy day. Light some candles, turn off the lights and put on some relaxing spa music. The warm temperature of the bath will relax your muscles and help you prepare for sleep.

Just breathe On the day before your wedding, you did everything you could to prepare for your dream wedding. It's time to relax, breathe and enjoy everything. Try not to stress on every little detail, because when it's all said and done, it's all about you and your husband-to-be and you should enjoy every moment.