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3 tips for the perfect braid

3 tips for the perfect braid

Why does my braid never look like it does with models, or why am I not able to braid at all? With these 3 tips you can make a nicer braid.

1. Get rid of the mirror

It may sound crazy, but it's better not to look in the mirror while braiding. You see everything in mirror image and that only makes it more difficult. Rather do it without a mirror and by feel.

Read also: 'This is how you make a fake bob'

2. A wide braid

In the photo you saw a beautiful wide braid, but with you it is a thin thing. Resist the temptation to widen it by pulling it apart. Instead, massage the hair with your thumbs until the braid flattens and widens.

3. Start low

Do you look like a schoolgirl with your braid? You may have made the classic mistake of starting braids too high on your head. Starting just below your ear makes the difference between a sexy casual braid and the schoolgirl look.