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Beauty routine:our tips for taking care of your skin before and during a plane flight

Is there a more pleasant feeling than being on a plane and soar to new horizons? We agree, there is none. We love to sit on the window or aisle side, watch the plane rise in the sky, and take us to our destination for a well-deserved vacation. And when we travel, we like to be comfortable. For this, we often put on our favorite jogging, we tie our hair and we do not wear makeup. However, in search of comfort, we tend to neglect a little our beauty routine . We tell ourselves that we will be on the plane anyway, there is no point in doing too much, wrongly. Our skin deserves just as much attention, on the plane, as at work, and before sleeping. Here is the right beauty routine for flying.

Which beauty routine to adopt?

Our skin needs to be pampered no matter the occasion.Long plane rides , jet lag and air conditioning put your skin to the test. So if you don't want to end up with redness, pimples, or irritation, you better prepare it. And traveling by plane deserves its own beauty routine. First of all, it will be necessary to bet on a complete hydration . Altitude tends to dry out our skin. You can get away with a moisturizing mask, with a creamy texture for your flight. This simple beauty gesture guarantees you baby-like skin when you leave the plane. Also remember to drink plenty of water during the flight. And above all, an essential not to be overlooked:the SPF cream . We mistakenly think that we do not need it on the plane. But if you are on the window side, be aware that you will be more exposed to UV , and it's not the best for your skin.

And after the flight?

Whether you are doing a short, medium or long haul, the first instinct after leaving the plane is to clean your face . Rid your skin of all impurities accumulated during your flight. Depending on your destination, your skin may go through some changes. To prepare her for this, treat yourself to a complete treatment. Exfoliation, mask, and hydration will be required to protect it from various external factors.

Beauty tips for flying

If you have to take care of yourself before and after the flight, you also have to do it during. Don't forget to remove your make-up before and after the flight. The make-up remover is used to remove all impurities of your skin. At altitude, your make-up may do more damage to your skin than anything else. Don't forget to take a small mister and a labello so as not to see your skin dry out. It will be important to also apply oil to the ends of your hair , who also suffer from theft. Finally, avoid coffee in the air as much as possible.