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5 tips you absolutely should read before taking your shower

Although the shower is, without a doubt, a pure moment of relaxation and pleasure, we sometimes take it mechanically without asking too many questions about our routine. We help you reconsider certain gestures that are not as beneficial as they seem.

1- Avoid showers that are too hot

We tend to think that very hot showers have a therapeutic power and that they will promote muscle relaxation. Give up this idea and opt for more temperate water. Hot water can be harmful. First, it's sure to dry out your skin and cause redness - and that's far from what you want. Then, by activating the blood circulation to excess, it can cause inflammation. We therefore opt for lukewarm water, close to the natural temperature of the body or possibly a little more.

2- Shorten your showers

Lingering in the shower is undoubtedly a moment of pleasure, a moment totally to yourself. But if you want to keep your skin soft and naturally hydrated, take shorter showers. For some experts, the ideal duration ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. Long showers that go up to 20 and 30 minutes dry out the skin terribly.

3- Do not soap your whole body

The principle of soap (or shower gel) is to remove impurities and "degrease". However, the areas that are most affected, among others, are:the armpits, the face, the neck, the behind, the feet. The skin on the legs and arms is not really oily. Soaping it would almost be like stripping it. This would only result in more drought. When you rinse your hair after shampooing and the product runs over your body, the shampoo (which is nothing more than a kind of soap) washes a large part of your limbs in the process. That's one more reason to go easy on the soap.

4- Do not wash your hair daily

This is one of the most common errors. The frequency should depend, first of all, on the nature of your hair. If you have very curly hair, once a week would be ideal, as this type of hair takes a long time to produce sebum and grease. If you have rather fine hair, twice a week is a reasonable frequency to keep sebum production balanced. Washing them too often will only increase their fragility.

5- Hydrate your body quickly

When you get out of the shower, do not dry yourself completely, keep a small film of humidity. Do not wait more than 3 minutes to moisturize your skin. Your skin won't stay wet for long, it won't take long to dry out. Moisture is necessary at the hydration stage, so don't waste too much time.