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Tips to enjoy your free time more

Tips to enjoy your free time more

Women enjoy their free time less than men. Does that also apply to you? With our tips you will learn to enjoy your free time more.

Research shows that women's leisure time is more fragmented than men's leisure time. Women more often spend their free time in the presence of children and, on average, their free time is devoted to caring for others. How do you break that cycle and enjoy your free time more?

1. Dare to hand things over
Let your partner do more in the house or send him out with the kids so you can have some time to yourself. Think about alternatives to create more free time. Perhaps the costs of a cleaner outweigh the free time that you have.

2. Consciously plan time for yourself
Consciously keep an evening or day free for yourself. Plans for yourself are plans too, so feel free to say no if someone else asks if you can do something that evening.

3. Don't make a to-do list
If there is an endless to-do list ready with things that you have to arrange and do on your day off, you don't really have free time. Make sure you regularly have real time for yourself and then do what you feel like and enjoy the activities you have chosen with full attention.

4. Don't do anything halfway
During your relaxing moments, don't always think about what you still have to do (cleaning, washing, updating the administration). In the time you think about it, you should have taken better action. You clean the kitchen or you watch your favorite series, but whatever you do:do it right.

Read also: What we can learn from men

How do you optimally enjoy your free time?

Source of research:SCP | Image:Shutterstock