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Skin care:11 tips for beautiful and healthy skin

What is the secret of beautiful and radiantly cared for skin? Good genes? Absolutely too! With these 11 tips you will also get a fresh, well-groomed and smooth skin.

1. Drinking water
Yes, we've known for a long time, drinking a lot helps a lot. When the skin loses water, wrinkles become visible. As we age, our skin can store less water. As a result, insufficient moisture levels in the skin make wrinkles visible. Water makes our skin plump again. Drinking half a liter of water improves the blood circulation in the skin, provides it with oxygen and thus activates the metabolism.

2. Oxygen keeps you young If you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, you absorb oxygen and promote blood circulation in the skin. The oxygen stimulates the cell reproduction process, making us look radiantly fresh. Regular walks are also good for the soul.

3. Peeling – is the alpha and omega
Just like our clothes, our skin also needs cleaning. The key word here is “regularly”. Our horny layer builds up for four weeks. Have your beautician perform a peeling once a month that is suitable for your skin. Polluted air, sebum, sweat, hands on the face, creams, make-up and much more close the pores and skin from the outside. Then our daily care products that we apply at home no longer work properly if they cannot get into the skin.

4. Clean properly
Use cleansing milk instead of water, because water alone cannot loosen the oily mixture of sebum, cream and make-up from the skin. For this you need fat-dissolving substances, which are in a cleansing milk. Then facial tonic helps to speed up the recovery phase of the protective acid mantle, which normally lasts up to 30 minutes after cleansing. In addition, facial tonic removes limescale from tap water and cleaning residues that can clog pores in the long term and cause impurities.

5. Care is everything
As skin ages from year to year and works slower and slower, it needs outside support. That is why daily care at home is extremely important. But be careful! If you don't take good care of your skin, you can do more harm than good.

6. Summer, sun, sun protection
Enjoying the sun? Yes absolutely! But with sun protection, please. Fatigue, headaches and depression are some of the symptoms that can occur with vitamin D3 deficiency. The vitamin is very important for our bodies, so get out in the sun every now and then. But remember to always apply protection and let your skin get used to the sun slowly, especially at the beginning of summer. Wrinkles from sun damage are not visible until years later. So take precautions now.

7. Eat healthy!
Healthy eating goes a long way and makes your skin look more beautiful too. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and lots of raw vegetables. White flour, sugar and saturated fats are not very beneficial. You should also avoid milk. Have you ever noticed that we are the only living being that drinks the milk of another mammal? And what's in the milk? Hormones to make the calf big and strong. This means that not only does your body acidify with cow's milk, but it also disrupts your entire hormonal balance, which can lead to blemished and inflamed skin. Foods high in vitamin C are highly recommended. Vitamin C has been proven in its anti-aging effect. That's why kiwis and lemons are great anti-wrinkle weapons. Not only does it protect against colds that make our skin appear pale, but it also stimulates collagen production. This is essential for the complexion. In addition, vitamin C inhibits the development of pigment spots.

8. Less is more!
Even if you have complex skin, i.e. sensitive, dry or blemished skin, it is possible to normalize it and make it look fresh and healthy again. When it comes to cleaning and caring for sensitive skin, the following applies:the simpler the care, the better. Because the fewer ingredients you put on your skin, the less likely it is to get irritated. It makes sense to use a complete care program, because the ingredients are optimally matched to each other.

9. As little caffeine as possible
Most of us love a coffee in the morning. Unfortunately, caffeine is very acidic – and an overly acidic digestive system also affects our skin. Those who fail to radically quit coffee should at least make sure they consume less caffeine.

10. No smoking! Pollutants in the smoke constrict blood vessels and inhibit blood flow. The skin looks pale and ages faster. It is not for nothing that smokers are often considered older than they actually are.

11. Beauty sleep
Those who get enough sleep look more relaxed and fresh. But don't do it like Sleeping Beauty, because sleeping too much isn't good either. Eight hours is ideal. Because our skin works more at night than during the day, a good night's sleep is exactly what you're looking for. The cell division rate is eight times higher at night than during the day. This means that the regeneration process is running at full speed, resulting in a fresher complexion. Night creams therefore provide extra support for the recovery of the skin.